Richard Nixon photo

Memorandum About Jobs for Veterans

December 15, 1970

Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies

I am calling upon American business, organized labor, veterans organizations, and state and local governments to lend their support to a national effort--Jobs for Veterans--designed to provide maximum employment opportunities for veterans.

Each veteran deserves the opportunity to find his place in our economic system. Jobs for Veterans is a nationwide effort to highlight the veteran and to make effective use of the talents and skills he has acquired in the military service.

I expect the Departments and Agencies of the Executive Branch to lead the way in this important effort and to support the program fully within their areas of responsibility.

I have appointed Mr. James F. Oates, Jr. as National Chairman of Jobs for Veterans and I have asked him to cooperate with you to insure that the resources of the Federal Government are utilized to the fullest extent possible.


Note: The memorandum was posted for the press.

Richard Nixon, Memorandum About Jobs for Veterans Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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