Memorandum for Heads of Departments and Agencies:
I am pleased to announce that Honorable William P. Clements, Jr., Deputy Secretary of Defense, has agreed to serve as Chairman of the Combined Federal Campaign for the National Capital Area this fall.
This campaign, which begins in September, will combine into a single drive the solicitation efforts of the United Way of Metropolitan Washington, the National Health Agencies, and the International Service Agencies. In this one drive we will be seeking to do our share to meet the needs of more than 150 local, national, and international health, welfare, and social service agencies.
These organizations deserve our wholehearted support. Working individually we can do little, but working together through voluntary organizations we can help the young, the old, the ill, the disadvantaged, and all persons who need assistance. There is no substitute for the help that can be brought to our neighbors and friends by the committed voluntary agencies supported by the Combined Federal Campaign. Truly they are a beacon of hope for those in need.
Through the Combined Federal Campaign, Federal personnel are offered a unique opportunity to help persons in our community, in our Nation, and in overseas lands by one gift once a year, a pledge made particularly easy by the availability of payroll deductions.
I request that you serve personally as chairman of the combined campaign in your organization and appoint one of your top assistants as your vice chairman. Please advise Deputy Secretary Clements of the person you designate as vice chairman.
I know that you will give your wholehearted support to this endeavor, and I hope you will commend the campaign with its payroll deduction feature to Federal employees and military personnel in your organization.
Richard Nixon, Memorandum About the Combined Federal Campaign. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project