Memorandum on Appointing the Chairman of the Interdepartmental Savings Bonds Committee.
[Dated January 8, 1976. Released January 9, 1976]
Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies
I have appointed Secretary of Interior Thomas S. Kleppe as Chairman of the Interdepartmental Savings Bonds Committee.
The Savings Bonds Program constitutes the least inflationary way the Treasury can borrow to finance Federal programs. More than $67 billion in Savings Bonds are held by Americans. This is over 20 percent of the privately held portion of the public debt.
It is entirely appropriate that Federal employees take leadership responsibility in the furtherance of the Savings Bonds Program through the Payroll Savings Plan. We must set the example for all Americans to follow.
Secretary Kleppe and members of the Interdepartmental Savings Bonds Committee have a special duty to see that the Departments and Agencies which they head achieve and maintain a high record of employee participation in the Savings Bonds Program.
Secretary Kleppe has my full support as he undertakes this new responsibility. I know he can count on your personal interest and cooperation.
Gerald R. Ford, Memorandum on Appointing the Chairman of the Interdepartmental Savings Bonds Committee. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project