Memorandum for the Domestic Council: Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Attorney General, Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary of Transportation, Assistant to the President Baroody, Director, Office of Management and Budget, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers, Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Director, ACTION
Subject: Domestic Council Committee on Illegal Aliens
I am today establishing a new Domestic Council Committee on Illegal Aliens. This Committee will develop, coordinate and present to me policy issues that cut across agency lines to provide better programs for dealing with this National problem. The Attorney General will serve as the Chairman of this Committee. The membership of the Committee will consist of the Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Assistant to the President Baroody, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
Gerald R. Ford, Memorandum Establishing a Domestic Council Committee on Illegal Aliens. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project