Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Review of Advisory Committees
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Subject: Review of Advisory Committees
Advisory committees can be of great value. They may contribute to the "openness" of governmental decisionmaking, and provide talent and opinions not otherwise available. However, many existing committees have outlived their usefulness, or are not providing truly balanced .advice and recommendations.
The Congress reflected a similar concern in the Federal Advisory Committee Act (P.L. 92-463), which assigned committee management responsibilities to the President, to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and to the heads of agencies. In the first year after enactment, the number of committees was reduced by 250--and the number has remained about the same ever since.
Accordingly, I am ordering a government-wide, zero-base review of all advisory committees, with the presumption that committees not created expressly by statute should be abolished except those (1) for which there is a compelling need; (2) which will have truly balanced membership; and (3) which conduct their business as openly as possible consistent with the law and their mandate. The Director of OMB will provide you and your staff with instructions for carrying out the agency reviews, which are to be completed and submitted to OMB by April 15, 1977. Each agency should provide for open and public participation in its review process to the maximum extent consistent with an expeditious review.
I also urge you to confer with Congress about abolishing any advisory committees created by statute which you do not believe meet these standards.
I consider this an important part of our effort to improve the organization and effectiveness of government. To ensure that it is successful, I am requesting that you assume personal responsibility for the review insofar as your agency is concerned.
I hope for prompt results from this effort. Specifically, I hope that the number of advisory committees will be sharply reduced, and that appropriate changes in membership will be made wherever necessary. Moreover, I want you to undertake a continuing effort to assure that no new advisory committees are established unless they are essential to meet the responsibilities of the government.
Note: At the time of the release of the memorandum, the White House also released information on existing advisory committees which stated that in 1976 there were 465 advisory committees authorized, but not mandated, by law, which cost $17.8 million; 482 advisory committees established under general statutory authority of department Secretaries or executive or independent agency heads, which cost $15.3 million; and 209 advisory committees created by statute, which cost $20.7 million.
Jimmy Carter, Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Review of Advisory Committees Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project