Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Throughout my Administration I have stressed that neighborhoods are the soul of every community. Each opportunity to include neighborhood organizations in the partnership to rebuild America's cities and towns should be taken. All Federal programs should be administered in a manner which complements neighborhood efforts.
Over three years ago I appointed, with Congressional approval, the National Commission on Neighborhoods to conduct a study of the important issues affecting the residents of America's neighborhoods. The Commission membership represented a broad spectrum of American concerns and included members of Congress, local elected officials, leaders of neighborhood organizations, and private citizens from many walks of life.
Following an exhaustive study, the Commission presented over two hundred recommendations to the Administration for consideration. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the Assistant Secretary of HUD for Neighborhoods, Voluntary Associations and Consumer Protection coordinated a review of the Commission's recommendations, most of which were agreed to by the agencies.
To ensure that the Administration continues to make progress in working with the nation's neighborhoods, it is essential that the findings and recommendations made by the Commission and accepted by each agency be carried out as expeditiously as possible.
It is important that Federal officials be sensitive to the needs of neighborhoods and include neighborhood representatives in the planning and implementation of Federal programs whenever neighborhood interests are affected.
A review of Federal programs affecting community and neighborhood based organizations to assess and improve the effectiveness of current efforts is an appropriate step in this process.
A liaison to neighborhoods is being established in the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs to work with your Departments and Agencies and with neighborhood organizations, mayors, county representatives and Governors to accomplish these goals.
Gene Eidenberg, or his designee, will soon be contacting you regarding these important matters.
Jimmy Carter, Memorandum From the President on Neighborhood and Community Programs Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project