Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies and Federal Cochairmen of Multistate Regional Commissions
Subject: Regional Commission Support
The White House Conference on Balanced National Growth and Economic Development found that the varied and changing problems and economic circumstances in the Nation's regions require greater flexibility in the way Federal policies and programs are designed and administered across the country. This variety suggests a need for strong state and local action to develop regional balanced growth policies and to target local, state and Federal funds in accord with these strategies. Multistate regional commissions established under the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 and Title V of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 and strengthened under the Regional Development Act of 1975 are intended to enhance development opportunities and conditions in multistate regions. Through planning and selective management of resources and activities, these commissions also afford a common framework within which the different levels of government can apply their energies to regional problems.
In light of the changing patterns of economic activity across the country, and in order to extend the ability of states and localities to shape Federal policies in behalf of regional concerns, new processes for planning, coordination and policy support are required. To develop and carry them out will require cooperation on the part of the Secretary of Commerce, Federal departments and agencies, the Interagency Coordinating Council, the Federal Cochairmen of the Appalachian and Title V Regional Commissions and the Federal Regional Councils.
By means of this memorandum, I am instituting a regional growth policy process to assist the regional commissions in developing and implementing their multiyear regional development plans and annual investment programs. These plans and, more importantly, the annual investment programs should be developed from the ground up, reflecting substate and state development plans. Through this policy process, the regional commissions will be given an opportunity to prepare recommendations to Federal departments and agencies for solutions to problems of regional growth and decline. In framing these recommendations, the commissions will consult with the Federal departments and agencies affected, taking advantage of the expertise available in the regional headquarters of each agency, as well as with substate, local and private interests.
To assure that Federal actions recognize regional differences and facilitate state, local and private initiatives in addressing the special problems of balanced growth which each region faces, I am directing that the following actions be taken by the Secretary of Commerce, the Federal departments and agencies, the Federal Cochairman of the Appalachian and Title V Regional Commissions, the Interagency Coordinating Council and the Federal Regional Councils:
With respect to the Title V Regional Commissions, the Secretary of Commerce is directed to:
1. develop, in consultation with the appropriate parties, guidance for the preparation of regional plans, investment programs and growth policy recommendations. The multi-year regional development plans, annual investment programs, policy recommendations and obstacles to interagency coordination may be presented by the Secretary to the heads of the relevant Federal departments and agencies through the White House Interagency Coordinating Council;
2. assist each Federal Cochairman of a regional commission in presenting the multi-year regional development plan, annual investment program and growth policy recommendations developed from the plan; and
3. institute a mechanism for consultation with Federal Cochairmen regarding policy and administrative improvements in the program.
The head of each Federal department and agency is directed to:
1. assist and cooperate with the Secretary of Commerce, the Federal Cochairmen of the Appalachian and Title V Regional Commissions, and with the Interagency Coordinating Council in performance of their functions with respect to the regional growth policy process;
2. administer planning and develop input assistance programs so as to facilitate regional and unified state growth policy processes, and to the extent practicable, support multi-year regional development plans and annual investment programs of the regional commissions through financial assistance and direct Federal development activities which are consistent with such plans; and
3. recognize the mutual agreement of the governors in each regional commission that the commission may participate in the current process for evaluation, review and coordination of Federal and Federally assisted projects under Part II of OMB Circular No. A-95. Projects for review should be referred to the commission by State clearinghouses according to procedures jointly prescribed by governors. I am directing the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to propose amendments to OMB Circular No. A-95 to this effect.
The Chairman of the Interagency Coordinating Council is directed to:
1. work with the Secretary of Commerce, the heads of the other federal departments and agencies, and the Federal Cochairpersons to overcome obstacles in carrying out the objectives of this policy; and
2. ensure that, at the request of the Secretary of Commerce and the Federal Cochairman of the Appalachian Regional Commission, the annual investment programs and policy recommendations receive a coordinated high-level analysis and review by relevant federal departments and agencies.
In addition to the responsibilities defined in existing statutes, regulations and Executive Orders, the Federal Cochairmen of the Appalachian and Title V Regional Commissions, with the concurrence of the affected commission (s), shall become members of each Federal Regional Council which serves all or any portion of his/her region. It is my intention to further amend Executive Order 11647 to this effect.
Each Title V Federal Chairman, working with the regional commission, is directed to:
1. assist the regional commission to participate in the regional growth policy process;
2. present the commission's multi-year regional development plan, annual investment program and growth policy recommendations to the Secretary of Commerce;
3. involve Federal departments and agencies in the activities of the commissions, as appropriate; and
4. participate in the consultative mechanism described under Secretary of Commerce directives, #3 above on page 3.
The Federal Regional Councils are directed to work with the Secretary of Commerce and the Interagency Coordinating Council to provide continuing liaison with regional commissions.
Jimmy Carter, Memorandum From the President on Regional Commissions Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project