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Memorandum From the President on the Selection and Development of the Senior Executive Service

September 19, 1979

Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies

Subject: The Selection and Development of the Senior Executive Service

The Senior Executive Service, the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act, was inaugurated on July 13. The SES offers one of the most promising avenues for improving the management of the Federal government. I know that you share my satisfaction and pleasure that over 96 percent of those eligible to join the Senior Executive Service did so. It is essential that we take advantage of this demonstration of confidence in the Service and maintain the momentum which it has created.

I know that you will take a continuing interest in the SES and in the development of those who will join the Service in the future. One of the most important ways of accomplishing this is by establishing a strong Executive Resources Board in your organization to oversee the administration of the Senior Executive Service. This Board will also direct executive development systems to identify and train candidates for future membership in the SES.

The people who serve on these Boards hold the key to the future of the SES. It is imperative that you impress upon the Chairperson and members of your Executive Resources Board the importance this Administration places upon executive selection and development.

The Office of Personnel Management has established criteria for executive selection and development programs. I believe these criteria provide the flexibility you need to devise a system which meets the specific characteristics and needs of your organization. Central to every program must be the identification and selection, in advance, of top performers who have executive potential and whose talents should be developed to enable them to take top-level responsibilities. This will involve both wide competition and a very careful selection for the executive development programs required by the Reform Act. I also want to make certain that women, the handicapped, and members of minority groups are given full consideration when selections are made.

We have the opportunity, now, to establish systems that will provide an effective, motivated, and exemplary corps of career executives to serve the needs of our Nation in the years to come. There are no more important actions we can take to provide long-term benefit to Government and more efficient delivery of services to the public.


Jimmy Carter, Memorandum From the President on the Selection and Development of the Senior Executive Service Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/248178

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