Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Subject: The Human Rights of Undocumented Aliens
Protection of the basic rights of all persons in our land is a vital part of our commitment to a just and humane society. This Administration's policy on human rights can only be effective if we assure the rights of all persons in the United States, whether or not they are citizens of this country.
I will continue to enforce vigorously this nation's immigration laws. Those found in violation will be dealt with as the law prescribes. But persons accused of being undocumented aliens must be treated fairly and humanely. No one in our country should be vulnerable to mistreatment or exploitation because he or she is afraid to secure protection of the law.
Since many of the problems in this area are under state and local jurisdiction, I sent letters to the Nation's Governors on May 4, asking for their concern, assistance and advice in dealing with these problems. In those letters, a copy of the text of which is attached, I also described some of the significant efforts the Federal Government has made in this area.
The work of each of your departments and agencies touches upon some aspects of the treatment of undocumented aliens in the United States. I will not dwell on all Government activities in this message but will mention some issues of particular importance.
A number of Federal, or Federally assisted, social welfare and medical programs by law must exclude specifically persons who are not citizens or legal permanent residents of the United States. In such cases, I ask that the concerned agencies review their policies and practices in implementing these requirements to ensure that they are clear, equitable, adequately disseminated and understood and compassionately applied within the limits of the law, and that they are carried out with respect for the basic dignity and privacy of all persons concerned.
I urge you to give full cooperation to Consular and other officials of Mexico and other countries who, in the discharge of their duties in the United States, seek your help in investigating possible incidents of abuse involving their citizens. I also ask you to work closely with the Department of State and the working groups of the U.S.-Mexico Consultative Mechanism.
I urge you to continue to keep this Administration's commitments in mind as you develop and carry out your programs and I would particularly welcome your recommendations of possible remedies for additional problems in this area of which you may be aware.
Note: The text of the memorandum was released on September 14.
Jimmy Carter, Memorandum From the President on Undocumented Aliens Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project