Memorandum for: The Vice President, The Secretary of the Treasury, The Attorney General, The Secretary of the Interior, The Secretary of Agriculture, The Secretary of Commerce, The Secretary of Labor, The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, The Secretary of Transportation, The Director, Office of Management and Budget, The Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, The Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality, The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, The Administrator of Veterans Affairs, The Director of the ACTION Agency, The Executive Director, President's Economic Policy Board, The Executive Director, Energy Resources Council
Subject: Domestic Council
To assist in carrying out my responsibilities for domestic policy formulation within a broad conceptual framework, I want the Domestic Council to undertake the following responsibilities in domestic policy areas:
--Assessing national needs and identifying alternative ways of meeting them.
--Providing rapid response to Presidential needs for policy advice.
--Coordinating the establishment of national priorities for the allocation of available resources.
--Maintaining a continuous policy review of on-going programs. --Proposing reforms as needed.
I would specifically like to emphasize the following essential components of these functions:
--Identify major policy problem areas requiring Administration attention
and actions.
--Coordinate the formulation of policy options in the domestic area for my
--Initiate fact-finding analysis, develop policy options and recommendations for Presidential decision, Administration action and legislation.
--Review in conjunction with OMB departmental legislative proposals for their impact on present policy and legislation and consistency with Administration policy.
--Establish guidelines in conjunction with OMB for formulation of Departmental and Agency administrative regulations to ensure consistency with Administration policy objectives and legislative intent.
Because of the complexity and interrelationship of domestic policies and programs, I believe the broadest perspectives must be brought to bear in the Domestic Council's deliberations. For this reason, I have asked the Vice President to serve as Vice Chairman of the Council and to oversee the work of the Council.
I am also asking the Vice President to review the operations of the Council staff and to propose such reorganization of the Council as from time to time may be necessary.
To expedite the work of the Domestic Council, the Vice President will make recommendations to me for the formation of task forces and review groups of officials at the appropriate levels of Departments and Agencies involved.
For the Domestic Council to carry out my objectives, it is essential that the Council have the full cooperation of your Department or Agency, including the necessary staff support for the various task forces and review groups which will be established.
I am today announcing my intention to appoint Mr. James M. Cannon, Executive Director of the Domestic Council and Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs. Richard L. Dunham. will be the Deputy Director of the Domestic Council. I expect them to work closely with the Vice President in conducting the operations of the Domestic Council.
To provide for full coordination of the work of the Domestic Council with the work of other policy bodies, the Executive Director of the Economic Policy Board and the Executive Director of the Energy Resources Council will be designated as members of the Domestic Council.
Note: The text of the memorandum was released at New York, N.Y.
Gerald R. Ford, Memorandum Outlining Responsibilities of the Domestic Council. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project