Jimmy Carter photo

Memorandum on Outstanding Contributions by Federal Employees

October 19, 1977

Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies

If we are to improve the quality and performance of our government, we must involve all government employees in that task. We need their determination, their energy, and their ideas to set high standards and see that we meet them. One way to give public employees a greater stake in the government's performance is to recognize those who have made exceptional contributions---especially, these days, in the crucial area of energy conservation.

I intend to recognize these major contributions myself, to illustrate the importance I attach to them. Therefore, I want you to bring to my attention contributions by civilian and military personnel, recognized through awards made under the Federal Government's Incentive Awards Program since January 1, 1977, which produce first-year benefits of $5,000 or more. I also intend to recognize energysaving actions, when you are satisfied that they are especially significant and deserve additional recognition. The best of these contributions will be considered for Presidential Management Improvement Awards, to be presented at a White House ceremony early next year.

I urge you to give your full support to this special effort. I ask that you review the structure and processes within your agency to ensure that they encourage your employees to develop and propose innovative ideas. In order that this effort, and my interest in its success, be made clear, I want you to convey this message to all civilian and military personnel along with your own expression of the need for their personal involvement.


Jimmy Carter, Memorandum on Outstanding Contributions by Federal Employees Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/242078

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