Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies
As a Nation we need to promote thrift, increase personal savings, save to educate our children, and reduce the cost of Government financing. By supporting the Savings Bonds program, we help meet these needs. The 1992 Federal Savings Bond Campaign will soon begin. It has my full support.
In 1991, 32 percent of Federal employees and members of the Armed Services purchased Savings Bonds through payroll allotments. This year, I hope to see that participation increase significantly.
To this end I challenge you to charge your managers to accept and achieve the following goals in 1992:
1. To increase your department's/agency's participation level by 10 percent; and
2. To raise your department's/agency's participation rate from its current level to a minimum level of 40 percent; and
3. To have 20 percent of current bond buyers increase their allotments.
These goals are achievable. Currently, many departments and agencies have already achieved what I am asking of you.
I have appointed Manuel Lujan, Jr., Secretary of the Interior, to chair the 1992 Federal Savings Bond Campaign. Please appoint one of your top officers as your Vice Chair to work with Secretary Lujan and his team.
Your personal commitment will insure the success of this Campaign. I look forward to receiving your Campaign results.
George Bush
George Bush, Memorandum on the Federal Savings Bond Campaign Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project