Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies
Subject: Government-Wide Anti-Fraud and Waste Efforts
The reduction of fraud and waste in the operation of all Federal programs is a major commitment and priority of my Administration. Today, I am establishing by Executive Order, the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency to focus and improve our efforts to deal with the problem. The Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget will chair this Council which will include all of the statutory Inspectors General and other key officials.
The commitment to reduce fraud and waste cannot be limited to those departments and agencies where statutory IGs have been established. I have asked the Chairman of the Council to ensure that other departments and agencies are actively involved in this most important undertaking. The Executive Order directs the Chairman to convene all of the agencies not on the Council at least four times a year to share information on Council policy initiatives.
The establishment of this Council is an integral part of a broader plan to attack fraud, waste and inefficiency in Federal programs. This plan will involve a combination of key officials and organizations, coordinating mechanisms, and priority projects operating under active OMB leadership on my behalf.
I expect each of you to provide the necessary support and cooperation to assure that our objective is accomplished. One specific action I am asking you to take is to designate a top level individual who will have the responsibility for following up on the recommendations of your official who is responsible for coordinating efforts to eliminate fraud and waste and the recommendations of the General Accounting Office.
Ronald Reagan, Memorandum on the Reduction of Fraud and Waste in Federal Programs Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project