Memorandum Urging Support of the Red Cross by Federal Employees and Members of the Armed Forces
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
SUBJECT: Red Cross Month
The American Red Cross is an instrument of mercy for all of us. For more than 85 years its mission has been to serve the members of our Armed Forces and their families, to help our neighbors when natural disasters strike, and to aid all who are in need. The Red Cross Blood Program supplies nearly half of our peoples' need for blood. The safety and nursing programs of the Red Cross save countless lives.
This year the Red Cross must raise $121,624,000, the largest annual goal since the end of World War II. It needs these funds to fulfill commitments for the relief of disaster victims, and to meet enlarged responsibilities to our men in uniform.
Within the Federal establishment, both here and overseas, the Red Cross participates in the Combined Federal Campaign. But nearly half of the 3,330 local chapters of the Red Cross rely for funds on independent campaigns conducted in March. This year, all Red Cross chapters will participate in a special SOS--Support Our Servicemen-campaign. There will be no additional on-thejob campaign among Federal employees.
To draw greater public attention to these efforts and to help recruit more Red Cross volunteers and blood donors, I will soon designate March 1968 as Red Cross Month. The American people have always increased their support of the Red Cross when they understood the need. And this year the need is very evident.
As President and as Honorary Chairman of the American Red Cross, I urge all employees of the Federal Government and all our men and women in uniform to give their best in support of the Red Cross. Its success must be our concern, because its mission of mercy is ours to share and treasure.
Note: On the same day the President signed Proclamation 3825 "Red Cross Month, 1968" (4 Weekly Comp. Pres. Docs., p. 222; 33 F.R. 2623; 3 CFR, 1968 Comp., p. 20).
Lyndon B. Johnson, Memorandum Urging Support of the Red Cross by Federal Employees and Members of the Armed Forces Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project