Message of Congratulations on the Fifth Anniversary of the Interracial Council for Business Opportunity
It is a pleasure for me to congratulate the members of the Interracial Council for Business Opportunity as you celebrate your fifth anniversary and the launching of your sixth year.
Giving minorities a bigger and better "piece of the action" in our private enterprise system has been a major thrust of this administration's program during its first 90 days.
The distinguished past achievements of your organization in encouraging large industry to voluntarily share its training and experience with the struggling new minority-owned businesses of our inner cities will serve as an invaluable reference point and road map for us as we attempt to expand and solidify the gains and needs in this area. I am informed, for example, that you have already helped over 2,000 businesses in your reasonably young existence, and that your plans for the future include even bolder and more imaginative programs. In these efforts, I wish you continued success.
It is my firm hope that by providing additional incentives for the movement of private capital and assistance into the disadvantaged areas of our country, this administration will accelerate the establishment of minority business institutions. And with the ready assistance of groups such as yours, I am convinced that we will achieve this goal.
NOTE: The message, dated April 23, 1969 and released April 24, 1969, was read by Robert J. Brown, Special Assistant to the President, at the Council's annual dinner at the Hotel Americana in New York City.
The Interracial Council for Business Opportunity was formed on October 30, 1963, by a group of New York business and professional people under the sponsorship of the Urban League of Greater New York and the Metropolitan Council of the American Jewish Congress. Its aim is to stimulate the growth of successful business enterprise by Negroes and members of other minority groups.
Richard Nixon, Message of Congratulations on the Fifth Anniversary of the Interracial Council for Business Opportunity Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project