The eleventh World's Christian Endeavor Convention meets at a time of world crisis but equally of world opportunity. Now as never before the moral and religious forces of the world must and will unite in defense of all the freedoms and to achieve an enduring peace.
Christian Endeavor with its four million members in more than fifty countries is interracial, international, and interdenominational. It knows no lines of color, it preaches and practices the gospel of brotherhood and good will. Against atheistic communism it has a clear call to the world's youth.
The United States is pledging blood and treasure in support of the United Nations. Now in the defense of South Korea we join with other free nations not only to defend our own liberty but to help make the world secure against evil aggression.
God bless you and your associates in these fateful days.
[Dr. Daniel A. Poling, President, World's Christian Endeavor Union, Russell Hotel, Russell Square, London, England]
Note: In his reply, dated July 27, Dr. Poling stated that the 11th convention of the World's Christian Endeavor Union, meeting in London, had received the President's message with appreciation and profound gratitude. "Moved by your prompt support of the United Nations," he added, "we pledge our constant prayers, our unfaltering faith, and all dedicated efforts to this sublime task in which the free world unites."
Harry S Truman, Message to Dr. Daniel A. Poling, President of the World's Christian Endeavor Union. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project