Photo of Donald Trump

Message on Men's Health Week

June 15, 2020

Each year, in the week leading up to Father's Day, our Nation recognizes Men's Health Week to raise awareness of the diseases and illnesses that affect America's men. By better understanding the unique risk factors that men face, we can promote healthier lifestyles and implement more effective prevention and treatment options for all men.

Over the past several months, the coronavirus has posed a significant health risk to all Americans. Unfortunately, men are less likely to visit or consult with a medical provider when faced with a medical issue or concern, increasing the chances of complications with any illness, including the coronavirus, that could be avoided with early detection and treatment. Accordingly, it is critical that men who show symptoms of the coronavirus, including shortness of breath, cough, fever, aches, or chills, immediately contact their doctor or health care provider. Doing so will ensure that they receive the care they need and help prevent the spread of this disease.

The coronavirus pandemic has also highlighted the challenges to mental health that many Americans face, made worse by isolation, social distancing, and uncertainty. In general, stigma about mental illness, such as depression, has kept countless individuals from getting the help they need. Men in particular are less likely than women to seek treatment for mental health-related concerns. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act has enhanced access to health care and treatment services for all health conditions, including mental illness, while also reducing the likelihood of transmission of diseases like coronavirus by expanding telehealth coverage for the duration of this public health emergency. This enables those in need to get care and support from the comfort and safety of their own homes.

This week, as we encourage America's men to incorporate better health practices into their daily routines, we also recognize the countless Americans who help improve the health and well-being of our Nation. Together, we will build a healthier, happier, and stronger America.

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Message on Men's Health Week Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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