Dwight D. Eisenhower photo

Message Recorded for the 15th Anniversary of the American forces Network.

July 04, 1958

THIS YEAR the American forces Network is fifteen years old. My congratulations on the splendid job you have done and on the good work which I know you will continue.

These greetings are not merely personal. They are from the American people who know your record of achievement.

The Network first went on the air from a London basement on Independence Day in 1943. from those war days until the present, its mission has never changed. Through the years it has kept servicemen and women overseas informed of their homeland. It has served them both as defenders of freedom wherever freedom may be threatened and as devoted citizens and American representatives abroad. The American forces Network has endeavored to help them take full advantage of their opportunities as soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines and as ambassadors for the free world.

By the same token, the American forces Network has for fifteen years brought to the people of many European countries an understanding of America. By listening to the truthful reporting of news, by hearing our popular and classical music and by enjoying our dramatic and comedy programs, these people have a clearer picture of how we live our daily lives. And once people begin to understand each other in simple, everyday terms, the problem of living together in peace becomes easier.

People must be able to communicate with each other. Without communication their common problems become unsolvable. Because the Network has so ably fulfilled its mission, not only to our servicemen but to the people of other nations, it is a pleasure for me to extend felicitations on its fifteenth anniversary and wish the American forces Network many more years of successful operation.

Note: This message was broadcast over the American forces Network as part of a special anniversary program on July 4.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, Message Recorded for the 15th Anniversary of the American forces Network. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/233682

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