[Released September 3, 1932. Dated August 13, 1932]
My dear Mr. Gould:
In reply to your request I cannot better express myself than by the following quotation from a recent address to the American people:
"The emergency measures now in action represent an unparalleled use of national power to relieve distress, to provide employment, to serve agriculture, to preserve the stability of the Government, to maintain the integrity of our institutions. Our policies prevent unemployment caused by floods of imported goods and laborers. Our policies preserve peace. They embrace cooperation with other nations in those fields in which we can serve. With patience and perseverance these measures will succeed.
"With these courses we shall emerge from this great national strain with our American system of life and government strengthened. Our people will be free to reassert their energy and enterprise in a society eager to reward in full measure those whose industry serves its well-being. Our youth will find the doors of equal opportunity still open.
"I have but one desire; that is, to see my country again on the road to prosperity which shall be more sane and lasting through the lesson of experience, to see the principles and ideals of the American people perpetuated.
"I rest the case of the Republican Party on the intelligence and the just discernment of the American people. Should my countrymen again place upon me the responsibilities of this high office, I shall carry forward the work of reconstruction. I shall hope long before another four years have passed to see the world prosperous and at peace and every American home again in the sunshine of genuine progress and genuine prosperity. I shall seek to maintain untarnished and unweakened those fundamental traditions and principles upon which our Nation was rounded and upon which it has grown. I shall invite and welcome the help of every man and woman in the preservation of the United States for the happiness of its people. This is my pledge to the Nation and to Almighty God.
Yours faithfully,
[Mr. Kenneth M. Gould, Managing Editor, The Scholastic, New York City]
Note: The above quotation, from the President's address accepting the Republican Presidential nomination, was printed in the September 3 issue of the Scholastic, a national magazine for the high school classroom.
Herbert Hoover, Message to Scholastic Magazine Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/207435