To the Congress of the United States:
I am pleased to transmit to the Congress the 1972 annual report on agricultural export activities carried out under Public Law 480. This program has once again demonstrated the desire of the people of the United States to help those in other countries who are less fortunate than ourselves and stand in need of our assistance.
Through food donations and concessional sales of agricultural commodities, the Public Law 480 program in 1972 helped alleviate immediate problems arising from inadequate food supplies, and helped to lay the basis for new agricultural production in many countries throughout the world. A major impact of this program came through our assistance to the distressed victims of war and natural disasters in Bangladesh.
Other principal recipient countries of development and emergency assistance included Korea, Vietnam, Israel, Pakistan, India and Indonesia. By assisting such countries, the Public Law 480 program also helps to offset threats to internal stability and contributes to our objective of reducing the level of international tensions.
The White House,
July 12, 1973.
Note: The message, dated July 12, 1973, was sent to the Congress on July 13.
The report is entitled "The Annual Report on Activities Carried Out Under Public Law 480, 83d Congress, as Amended, During the Period January t Through December 31, 1972" ( 129 pp. plus tables).
Richard Nixon, Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report on the Food for Peace Program. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project