Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the National Cancer Advisory Board.
To the Congress of the United States:
In accord with section 410B(g) of the "National Cancer Act of 1971" (P.L. 92-218), I am transmitting the second annual report of the National Cancer Advisory Board on the progress of the National Cancer Institute.
As the Board's report indicates, the activities of the National Cancer Institute are progressing smoothly. The report highlights several areas in which significant scientific advances are being made.
In several instances, the Board raises major policy issues and makes recommendations to the Congress. For example, the Board's report urges Federal regulation of cigarettes. It should be pointed out that there is considerable dispute as to whether there exists adequate scientific evidence on which to base safe levels of tar and nicotine under responsible regulatory action. In response to the Board's concern, I have asked the National Cancer Advisory Board to provide me with an assessment of the scientific evidence that would provide a basis for responsible Federal regulation of cigarettes.
While I think it is important for the Congress to have the benefit of the Board's views, those views must necessarily be considered along with other diverse and responsible points of view.
The White House,
October 23, 1974.
Note: The 11-page report is entitled "National Cancer Program, 1974, Report of the National Cancer Advisory Board."
Gerald R. Ford, Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the National Cancer Advisory Board. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project