To the Congress of the United States:
I am happy to transmit herewith the annual reports of the six river basin commissions, as required under section 204 (2) of the Water Resources Planning Act of 1965.
The act states that commissions may be established, comprised of State and Federal members, at the request of the Governors of the States within the proposed commission area. Each commission is responsible for planning the best use of water and related land resources in its area and for recommending priorities for implementation of such planning. The commissions, through efforts to increase public participation in the decisionmaking process, can and do provide a forum for all the people within the commission area to voice their ideas, concerns, and suggestions.
The commissions submitting reports are New England, Great Lakes, Pacific Northwest, Ohio River, Missouri River, and the Upper Mississippi. The territory these six commissions cover includes all or part of 32 States.
The enclosed annual reports indicate the activities and accomplishments of the commissions during fiscal year 1973. A brief description of current and potential problems, studies, and approaches to solutions are included in the reports.
The White House,
April 4, 1974.
Note: The six reports are entitled:
New England River Basins Commission: 1973 Annual Report (36 pp.).
Great Lakes Basin Commission: Annual Report--Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1973 (12 pp.).
Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission: Annual Report--Fiscal Year 1973 (19 pp.).
Ohio River Basin Commission: 1973 Annual Report (20 pp.).
Missouri River Basin Commission: 1973 Annual Report (20 pp.).
Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission, annual report ( 12 pp.).
Richard Nixon, Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Reports of Six River Basin Commissions. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project