Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report of the National Capital Housing Authority.
To the Congress of the United States:
I herewith transmit the Annual Report for 1968 of the National Capital Housing Authority. During the past year, the jurisdiction of the Authority has grown to include over 10,000 public low-rent housing units. But the housing needs of low income families in the Nation's Capital still exceed the supply.
I am pleased to report that the Authority is beginning to place greater emphasis than it has in the past on working with the private sector in building and acquiring decent housing for the people of the District. It is pioneering in the use of the "Turnkey" method, in which a private developer builds or acquires a project and later turns it over to the Authority. It is also placing new emphasis on offering social services to the residents of these dwellings--often in cooperation with groups of volunteer citizens--and on managing and maintaining the properties in an enlightened manner, sometimes through private management firms.
These and other initiatives--many of them still in their trial stages--will help the Authority make important progress toward its goal of providing safe, clean, and economical housing for the low income families of this city.
The White House
April 21, 1969
Note: The report is entitled "Annual Report 1968, National Capital Housing Authority, For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1968" (Government Printing Office, 24 pp.).
Richard Nixon, Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report of the National Capital Housing Authority. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project