To the Congress of the United States:
As provided by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (Public Law 92-463; 5 U.S.C., App. 2, 6(c)), I am submitting my first Annual Report on Federal Advisory Committees for fiscal year 1993 for your consideration and action.
Consistent with my efforts to create a Government that works better and costs less, I issued Executive Order No. 12838 on February 10, 1993, requiring the executive branch to conduct a comprehensive review of all advisory committees. Based upon this assessment, each department and agency was directed to reduce by at least one-third the number of committees not required by the Congress. I am pleased to advise that this initiative has resulted in a net reduction of 284 unproductive advisory committees, exceeding our elimination target of 267, by 6 percent, or 17 committees. In addition, we have identified approximately 30 unneeded statutory groups.
While progress has been achieved in assuring that the work of advisory committees remains focused on national, rather than special interests, I am asking for your support in effecting other needed improvements. The Administration will forward to the Congress a legislative proposal to terminate 30 advisory committees required by statute, but for which compelling needs no longer exist. I urge the Congress to act quickly and favorably on this proposal, and I welcome any recommendations of the Congress regarding additional groups that may be eliminated through our joint efforts to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the Government. Toward this end, I hope the Congress will show increased restraint in the creation of new statutory committees.
I have directed the executive branch to exercise continued restraint in the creation and management of advisory committees. This will allow us to obtain further savings recommended by the Vice President and the National Performance Review. Consistent with Executive Order No. 12838, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget will continue to approve new agency-sponsored committees when necessary and appropriate. In addition the General Services Administration, as apart of its overall responsibilities under the Act, will periodically prepare legislation to propose the elimination of committees no longer required by the Government.
We stand ready to work with the Congress to assure the appropriate use of advisory committees and to achieve the purposes for which this law was enacted.
The White House, May 5, 1994.
William J. Clinton, Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report on Federal Advisory Committees Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project