Message of Welcome to the Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Session of the World Health Organization
PERSONALLY and on behalf of the people of the United States, I extend to you, the delegates of governments of so many countries, a warm welcome. You have come here from all corners of the world to deal with very human and personal problems that affect us all. I wish you notable success.
The 10th Anniversary Commemorative Session of the World Health Organization directs our attention to the fact that the nations of the world are working together in harmony for the improvement of the living conditions of all peoples. As a result of the work of the World Health Organization and the stimulating leadership it has given to its member states, millions the world over are spared from disease and suffering that would have been their lot. The United States is proud of its part and the part of its health leaders in this mutual endeavor. We look forward to even greater accomplishments in the control of disease, in the building of health services and in the opening of new avenues of medical knowledge through research. We look to the World Health Organization with confidence as a proven instrument through which the nations and the peoples of the world can combine their efforts, in friendship, toward the building of true peace.
Note: Dr. Milton Eisenhower acted as the President's personal representative in presenting this message to the Assembly, held in Minneapolis, Minn.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Message of Welcome to the Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Session of the World Health Organization Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/233464