Jimmy Carter photo

Minneapolis, Minnesota Remarks of the President and Senator Hubert H. Humphrey at Minneapolis/ St. Paul International Airport.

October 23, 1977

THE PRESIDENT. This is one of the great days of my life, to be able to come back to Minnesota to join with the greatest American that I know, the number one Democrat in our country, and a man who has been admired and is admired throughout the world.

I was in Los Angeles last night, Senator Humphrey, and hundreds of Democrats who came to help finance our party all send you their personal love.

But I came to express my thanks to Senator Humphrey. I've missed him in Washington, and I'm looking forward to getting him back to the U.S. Senate where he's been needed so badly.

He's got renewed strength. He's feeling very well, and he's eager to get back to Washington and join his fellow Senators and bringing this congressional session to a successful close.

On the plane, after we take off, I'm going to sign a bill that will name the newest building of the Health, Education, and Welfare Department after Senator Humphrey.

As a mayor of Minneapolis, as a Senator from Minnesota, and a Vice President, as a Presidential nominee, and a great candidate and, now, as a U.S. Senator, I know no one who exemplifies what our Nation stands for better than he.

If there's a retarded child in our country who hasn't been helped by Senator Humphrey, I don't know about it. Every elderly person in our Nation, every poor person in our Nation, every black person in our Nation, everyone who has come here from overseas who doesn't speak English well, everyone who lives in something of despair knows that they have one staunch and undying friend in Senator Hubert Humphrey.

This naming of the building for him would be just a small gesture on the part of the House and the Senate to make sure that everyone in our country, for this year and for many years to come, will connect this building and the great work that he's done with the humanitarian efforts that have been typical of him.

He's a friend of mine. He has been down to Georgia to help me. He's given me advice when I was Governor. I met him when I was a Georgia senator. He's been a man who has been an idol of farmers throughout the country, and I'm really looking forward to having him back in his workclothes, back in Washington as a staunch ally for me as President and as a leader of our Congress. It's going to mean a great deal to our country to have him back where he belongs, again serving the American people.

Senator Humphrey, I'm glad you're going back to work, and I'm glad you've let me provide the taxi service to get you back where you belong..Congratulations to you, and congratulations to the Minnesota football team yesterday. That was great.

SENATOR HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I know I speak on behalf of the almost 4 million people in this State when I say thank you for stopping by on this Sunday to pay us a visit, to share with us your optimism, your confidence, your friendly smile, and above all, your love of people and country. It's these things that I find so much of meaning to me. And it's in these ideals and these attitudes that I share so much with the President--a great faith in the Nation, in our people, a faith in our institutions of government, and a knowing that we've got to work at it and never give in and never give up.

I am happy to report to you that I do feel so much better. Everything, of course, is relative. I'm not quite as good as I was when I was 50, but I'm doing mighty good, considering what we've gone through. Getting back to Washington is going to be good therapy. That's what my doctors told me.

They've done about as much for me here as they think they can. It's been remarkable. With a strong faith in the Lord, with the best doctors, with the loving care of a family, with the friendship and the-indeed, the devoted friendship of people all over this country, I really have felt the healing strength that comes from all of this.

I want to thank you for coming out. Mrs. Humphrey is here with me. My grandchildren are here, my three sons and daughter, my sister, nephew; all the family are here.

I'm sure my doctor is over there, Dr. Najarian, and Dr. Levitt, possibly Dr. Kennedy. I hope they are. They have been helping me so much.

Yesterday, I was a little tired because I gave a good deal of my strength to the Gophers. [Laughter] I'm going to let you in now on a high state secret. On Friday night, the former President of the United States, Mr. Ford, called me. And he said, "Hubert, I understand that the University of Michigan is coming to Minnesota." I said, "Yes." I said, "Please, just don't mention it," because Michigan, up to that time, was unbeaten. He said, "Well, now, Hubert, don't you think we ought to have a little wager?" I said, "I think that's proper." He said, "I'll give you 14 points." I said, "That's Republican conservatism." [Laughter] I said, "I demand three touchdowns--21." He said, "Well, how about 207" I said, "That's a deal." He said, "What's the amount?" I said, "Five dollars." Now, I hope that's legal. I'm not sure. If it isn't, I ask for forgiveness.

THE PRESIDENT. I pardon you on that one. [Laughter]

SENATOR HUMPHREY. You pardon me on that, would you, Mr. President? Thank you..

So yesterday, after the game, as soon as I could get the White House switchboard to help me, which they did readily, I got ahold of my old friend, President Ford. I said, "Mr. President, send the check." [Laughter] And I gave him two or three addresses so that he couldn't possibly miss. So if the IRS is here, we'll include it.

I just wanted you to know that great developments have taken place within the last 24 hours. Thank you, and God bless you today. Thank you very much.

Note: The President spoke at 12:30 p.m. at the Hubert H. Humphrey Charter Terminal.

Following their remarks, Senator Humphrey returned to Washington with the President. Upon arrival at Andrews Air Force Base, they were joined on Air Force One by Vice President Walter F. Mondale, and the President signed S. 2169, designating the South Portal Federal Office Building of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare as the Hubert H. Humphrey Building.

As enacted, S. 2169 is Public Law 95-141, approved October 23.

Jimmy Carter, Minneapolis, Minnesota Remarks of the President and Senator Hubert H. Humphrey at Minneapolis/ St. Paul International Airport. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/242300

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