The President today announced the appointment of four persons as members of the National Advisory Council on Indian Education. They are:
BOBBY BIGHORSE, of Oklahoma City, director of the Willard Arts Education Program, chairman of the Native American Center of Oklahoma City, and a member of the National Indian Education Association;
NADINE H. CHASE, of Bena, Minn., administrator of the Leech Lake Reservation Business Committee and chairman of the board of regents of the Community College Board of the Chippewa Tribe;
GREGORY W. FRAZIER, of Denver, Colo., chief executive of the National Urban Indian Council and a director of Indians for United Social Action;
DANNY KEVIN MARSHALL, of Puyallup, Wash., who is completing a B.S. in anthropology at Western Washington University and is active in Indian community and education affairs.
Jimmy Carter, National Advisory Council on Indian Education Appointment of Four Members. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project