The President today announced his intention to nominate Everett Ellis Briggs to be Ambassador to Panama. He would succeed Ambler Holmes Moss.
In 1956 Mr. Briggs entered the Foreign Service as an international relations officer in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs in the Department. In 1958-1960 he was political officer in La Paz. He attended German language training at the Foreign Service Institute in 1960-1961. He was staff assistant in Berlin (1961-1963), and political officer in Lisbon (1963-1967). In the Department, he was international relations Officer in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs (1967-1969), and desk officer for Portugal in the Bureau of European Affairs (1969-1971). He attended the National War College in 1971-1972. In 1972-1974 he was principal officer in Luanda. He was Deputy Chief of Mission in Asuncion (1974-1978) and in Bogota (1978-1979). In the Department, he was Director of Mexican Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs in 1979-1981 and since 1981 has been Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs.
He graduated from Dartmouth College (A.B., 1956) and George Washington University (M.S., 1972). His foreign languages are Spanish, German, and Portuguese. He is married, has five children, and resides in Bethesda, Md. He was born April 6, 1934.
Ronald Reagan, Nomination of Everett Ellis Briggs To Be United States Ambassador to Panama Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project