The President announced his intention today to nominate public health expert Stephen C. Joseph to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs; former Pentagon official Richard Danzig to be Under Secretary of the Navy; and economic policy specialist Joshua Gotbaum to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Economic Security.
"The people who we are adding to our Pentagon team today are recognized experts in their fields and dedicated public servants," said President Clinton. "I welcome their service at the Department of Defense."
NOTE: The President also announced the following appointments to senior Defense Department posts not requiring confirmation by the Senate:
Cliff Bernath, Deputy Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Operations
Joel Resnick, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Reserve Affairs/Strategic Plans and Analysis
Helen Forbeck, Senior Professional, Defense Reinvestment Assistance Task Force
John Rogers, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs/Plans & Operations
Mark Wagner, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Economic Security
John Goodman, Special Adviser for Defense Conversion and Technology
Sheila Cheston, Deputy General Counsel of the Air Force
Dr. Larry Caviaiola, Deputy Under Secretary/Acquisition Operations
Audrey Sheppard, Chief of Protocol Steven Preston, Deputy General Counsel
Sheila Helm, Special Assistant to the Secretary/Personnel
Dr. Kenneth Flamm, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition (Dual Use Technology and International Programs)
Joseph Berger, Director, Peacekeeping/Peace Enforcement/Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy (Democracy and Peacekeeping)
Robert Bayer, Deputy Assistant Secretary/Economic Reinvestment and Base Realignment and Closure
Carolyn Becraft, Deputy Assistant Secretary/Personnel & Readiness (Personnel Support, Families & Education)
Mary Ellen Harvey, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary/Logistics Systems Development
Roy Willis, Principal Assistant Deputy Under Secretary/Logistics
Amy Hickox, Director of Outreach America/Office of the Assistant Secretary (Reserve Affairs)
Biographies of the nominees were made available by the Office of the Press Secretary.
William J. Clinton, Nomination for Posts at the Department of Defense Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project