Nomination for Posts at the Housing and Urban Development, Veterans Affairs, and Commerce Departments
The President announced his intention today to nominate the following officials:
William Gilmartin, Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations
Eugene Brickhouse, Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Human Resources and Administration
Ginger Lew, General Counsel, Department of Commerce
"These three outstanding individuals will make excellent additions to our administration," said the President. "William Gilmartin, Eugene Brickhouse, and Ginger Lew have all proven themselves in their previous Government service. I am grateful that they have agreed to be part of our efforts now."
NOTE: Biographies of the nominees were made available by the Office of the Press Secretary.
William J. Clinton, Nomination for Posts at the Housing and Urban Development, Veterans Affairs, and Commerce Departments Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project