The President today announced his intention to nominate the following individuals to be members of the National Museum Services Board of the Institute of Museum Services, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities:
Elizabeth Helms Adams is active in civic and cultural activities in her community. She is married, has five children, and resides in Valley Center, Calif. She would succeed Mamie P. Clark.
Alice Wright Algood is chairman of the Tennessee State Museum Association in Nashville, Tenn. She is married, has two children, and resides in Columbia, Tenn. She would succeed Benjamin W. Hazard.
Anne Carroll Badham is a realtor with Town and Country Properties in Arlington, Va. She is married, has two children, and resides in Arlington, Va. She would succeed Nancy Negley.
Craig C. Black is director of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. He is married, has two children, and resides in Pittsburgh, Pa. He would succeed Raul A. Lopez.
Ann Duncan Haffner is a former vice president of the Leadership Foundation, Inc. She has three children and resides in Alexandria, Va. She would succeed Lewis Davis.
Fucheng Richard Hsu is a consultant to cultural and educational foundations. He is married, has one child, and resides in Westfield, N.J. He would succeed Albert T. Klyberg.
Caroline H. Hume is vice president and member of the board of governors of the San Francisco Symphony and serves on the boards of the National Museum of American Art and the National Parks Foundation. She is married, has four children, and resides in San Francisco, Calif. She would succeed Dorothy Graham-Wheeler.
Dorothy J. Tyson is a partner of Darwin, Inc., in La Jolla, Calif. She is married, has four children, and resides in San Diego, Calif. She would succeed E. Leland Webber.
Liles B. Williams is vice president of administration of the Stuart C. Irby Co. in Jackson, Miss. He is married, has four children, and resides in Clinton, Miss. He would succeed John Connell.
Ronald Reagan, Nomination of Nine Members of the National Museum Services Board Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project