Richard Nixon photo

Oath of Office Administered by Chief Justice Earl Warren

January 20, 1969

CHIEF JUSTICE EARL WARREN: Do you Richard Milhaus Nixon do solemnly swear?

PRESIDENT-ELECT NIXON: I, Richard Milhaus Nixon do solemnly swear...

WARREN: ...that you will faithfully execute the office...

NIXON: ...that I will faithfully execute the office...

WARREN: ...of President of the United States...

NIXON: ...of President of the United States...

WARREN: ...and will to the best of your ability...

NIXON: ...and will to the best of my ability...

WARREN: ...preserve, protect, and defend...

NIXON: ...preserve, protect, and defend...

WARREN: ...the Constitution of the United States.

NIXON: ...the Constitution of the United States.

WARREN: So help you God.

NIXON: So help me God.

Richard Nixon, Oath of Office Administered by Chief Justice Earl Warren Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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