Sixty-second ad highlights Obama's choice to work for real change as a community organizer
Manchester, NH -- Senator Barack Obama's New Hampshire campaign will begin airing its fourth television ad today. The sixty-second ad, entitled "Choices," discusses Obama's choice to pass up a lucrative career on Wall Street to affect real change as a community organizer in Chicago. That willingness to take on tough challenges, and the ability to bring people together for change, will characterize an Obama presidency.
You can watch the ad HERE.
SCRIPT - "Choices"
Obama: It is that fundamental belief: I am my brother's keeper. I am my sister's keeper that makes this country work.
Narrator: After college, Barack Obama signed on as a community organizer for local churches, working to lift an area torn apart by plant closings.
Jerry Kellman (Calumet Community Religious Conference 1980-85): Those mills began to close. People lost their jobs for starters. The neighborhoods were devastated.
David Kindler (Former community organizer): The fact that Barack chose to try and effect social change, you know how do you understand that motivation? The pay stinks, the hours are bad.
Narrator: Three years later, Barack went to Harvard Law, then returned to the community to lead a voter registration drive and defend civil rights.
Professor Laurence Tribe (Harvard University Law School): It was inspiring, absolutely inspiring to see someone as brilliant as Barack Obama, as successful, someone who could've written his ticket on Wall Street, take all of the talent and all of the learning and decide to devote it to the community and to making people's lives better.
Barack Obama, Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Campaign Airs New Ad: 'Choices' Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project