Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Campaign Announces Leadership of New Hampshire Women for Obama
State co-chairs, steering committee members, and county co-chairs to lead grassroots organizing efforts
Manchester, NH -- Senator Barack Obama's New Hampshire campaign today announced the leadership of New Hampshire Women for Obama. The state co-chairs, steering committee, and county co-chairs-comprising State Representatives, activists, and local community leaders-will advise the campaign on women's and family issues, host events across the state, and lead organizing efforts among the thousands of women supporting Obama in New Hampshire.
"New Hampshire women are so excited about Obama because he understands the challenges that today's women face," State Co-Chair Ann McLane Kuster said. "As a community organizer working with families, as the son of a single mother, and now as the father of two young daughters, he knows from personal experience that it's not enough to encourage women to dream big-we have to give women the resources they need to achieve those dreams."
New Hampshire Women for Obama is already extraordinarily active in the state. Teachers, attorneys, artists, doctors, mothers and grandmothers, Women for Obama members have been organizing in their communities and talking to friends and neighbors about why Barack Obama will be the best President for women and families. Recently New Hampshire Women for Obama hosted organizing trainings in Manchester and Keene, with more sessions are planned for the fall.
**State co-chairs, steering committee members and county co-chairs are available to speak to the media. Please contact Reid Cherlin for details at (603) 668-2008.
New Hampshire Women for Obama Leadership
State Co-Chairs
Ann McLane Kuster - Director of Rath, Young, & Pignatelli's Education and Non-Profit Law Practice Group; member of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys; board member of New Hampshire Charitable Foundation and Womankind Counseling Center
Hopkinton, NH
Peggo Horstmann Hodes - renowned vocalist and educator; Democratic activist, wife of Congressman Paul Hodes
Concord, NH
State Steering Committee
Joan Reische - Board member of Women in Transition and Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
Manchester, NH
Wendy Frosh - Board Chair of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England; Chair of the Families First Health and Support Center; Advisors member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Seacoast Health
Hampton, NH
Babette Rittmeyer - Political activist; Spanish teacher; photographer; former Board member for Child and Family Services of New Hampshire
Concord, NH
Rebecca Hutchinson - Policy Staff for New Hampshire House Majority Office; Tutor for Project Second Start; Deerfield Democratic Tow Chair
Deerfield, NH
Alison Dickey - Director of the Art Reference Library, Currier Museum of Art
Concord, NH
Betsey Neville - Founder and past chair of NARAL-NH; Reading tutor at Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School; Long-time political and environmental activist
Deering, NH
Tracy Hahn-Burkett - Author of parenting blog, www.UnchartedParent.com; Member of Board of Directors, New Hampshire Women's Lobby
Bow, NH
Sen. Martha Fuller-Clark - State Senator, Chairwoman of Energy, Environment, and Economic Development, and Vice Chairwoman of the Executive Departments and Administration Committee; Member of the Health and Human Services Committee and the Education Committee; Vice Chair of the NH Democratic Party; Co-Chair of the Obama campaign
Portsmouth, NH
Brenda MacLellan - Special education teacher; Member of NH National Education Association; Henniker Democrats Co-Chair; New Hampshire advisor for Kids for Democracy
Henniker, NH
Carol Moore - Mental health therapist; former State Representative; Board member of Red River Theatre
Concord, NH
Ellie Gordon - N.H. Legal Assistance attorney, focusing in elder law; Democratic activist; Board member of Camp Huckins for Girls, Chavurah HeHarim, and Mount Washington Valley Jewish community
Bartlett, NH
Gerri King, Ph.D. - Social psychologist and organizational consultant to non-profit, corporate, and governmental organizations
Concord, NH
Mary Rauh - Member of Planned Parenthood Federation of America national task force, Mobilizing to Win; Chair of the Women's Fund of New Hampshire; Board member of the NH Women's Policy Institute
New Castle, NH
Patricia Ayers - Board member and former Executive Director of the World Affairs Council of New Hampshire; Board member of Frontiers of Knowledge
Hopkinton, NH
Ronni Wise - Attorney at the firm of Sulloway and Hollis; Appointee of Governor Shaheen to the New Hampshire Task Force on Family Law in 2003; former Commissioner of the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Women; Member of Board of Directors of Havenwood-Heritage Heights
Hopkinton, NH
Sally Helms - Political activist; Founder and owner of Journeys with Sally Helms, a private travel company
Concord, NH
Rita Bowlby - Vice President-Corporate Affairs at the United Illuminating Company; Former Board Member of Planned Parenthood; Former Board Member of Aid to Artisans, supporting arts and crafts for developing countries
Portsmouth, NH
Christy Day - English teacher; Political activist; Volunteer at Big Brothers Big Sisters
Amherst, NH
Kate Hanna - Partner at the law firm of Sheehan, Phinney, Bass, & Green and chair of the firm's Health Care Practice Group; Member of Governor Lynch's Citizens Health Initiative and the New Hampshire Supreme Court's Access to Justice Commission; Trustee of the Robert Frost Farm; Incorporator of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation; Treasurer of the John Lynch for Governor Committee
Bedford, NH
Rep. Cindy Rosenwald - State Representative, Chair of the House Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs Committee; Member of the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Improvement Action Plan Advisory Committee
Nashua, NH
Dianne Duncan - Law student; Political Activist
Walpole, NH
Beth Moore - Elementary and middle school social worker and mental health therapist; Board member of the Womankind Counseling Center
Hopkinton, NH
Beth Rodd - Child advocate and Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer; former State Representative; Democrat activist
Bradford, NH
County Chairs
Belknap County:
Kate Miller - Manager of family farms; Volunteer for Rape & Domestic Violence Center; Member of CASA board of New Hampshire
Meredith, NH
Carroll County:
Lisa MacAllister - Political activist
Jackson, NH
Cheshire County:
Rep. Bonnie Mitchell - State Representative, Co-Chair of the Women's Reproductive Rights Caucus; 2nd term legislator
Jaffrey, NH
Coos County:
Melody Brochu - Retired special education teacher
Gorham, NH
Grafton County:
Bonnie Parker - Interior designer and remodel specialist; Former actress and writer; Member of SHARE, Inc.
Hanover, NH
Hillsborough County:
Ann McCann - Member of Board of Directors of the Emmaus Institute; Secretary for the Merrimack Town Democratic Committee
Merrimack, NH
Merrimack County Co-Chairs:
Rep. Sally Kelly - State Representative, Member of the Labor, Industrial, and Rehabilitative Services Committee; Member of Women in Government, a non-profit organization that provides leadership, networking, expertise, and educational resources to address and resolve policy issues
Chichester, NH
Claudia Damon - Attorney at the firm McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton, P.A.; Founding member of Hillsborough County Women's Bar Association; Corporator of New Hampshire Women's Bar Association
Concord, NH
Rockingham County:
Robin LeBlanc - Director of Marketing and Business Development for civil engineering consulting firm; Volunteer for NARAL Pro-Choice, New Hampshire Choice Chocolate annual fundraiser, Plan NH, and Portsmouth Listens Study Circles; Board Member of St. Andrew's by the Sea
Portsmouth, NH
Strafford County:
Rep. Kay Oppenheimer - State Representative, Member of Election Law Committee; Attorney
Strafford, NH
Sullivan County:
Rep. Carla Skinder - State Representative; Registered nurse
Cornish, NH
Barack Obama, Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Campaign Announces Leadership of New Hampshire Women for Obama Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/292419