Des Moines, IA -- Today, State Representative Donovan Olson of Boone announced his support for Barack Obama's campaign for President at an event with Senator Obama's wife Michelle at the Boone County Historical Center.
"Senator Obama showed tremendous courage when he challenged the conventional wisdom in Washington D.C. and opposed the invasion of Iraq," Representative Olson said. "But his greatest asset is his ability to bring people together, regardless of their differences, to solve problems. That is why I believe he is the best candidate to provide leadership on improving health care, strengthening our schools and creating energy independence."
Representative Olson has served in the Iowa State House since 2002 and is a member of the Economic Growth, Environmental Protection and Local Government Committees. Born in Boone, Olson holds Bachelor's and Master's Degrees from Iowa State University, where he currently works.
"I am pleased to have Donovan involved in my campaign for changing the way we do politics in Washington, D.C." Senator Obama said. "Rep. Olson brings invaluable local experience and understanding to our grassroots campaign in Boone and around Iowa."
To date, including Rep. Donovan Olson, Senator Obama has received a total of 12 endorsements from Iowa state legislators: Rep. Elesha Gayman, Rep. Tyler Olson, Sen. Bob Dvorsky, Sen. Bill Heckroth, Sen. Tom Rielly, Sen. Rich Olive, Rep. Helen Miller, Sen. Steve Warnstadt, Sen. Frank Wood, Rep. Janet Petersen, Rep. Pam Jochum. Former Iowa State Party Chair Gordon Fischer, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and State Treasurer Mike Fitzgerald have also endorsed Senator Obama's campaign for change.
Barack Obama, Obama Campaign Press Release - State Representative Donovan Olson Endorses Obama Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project