Order Designating Authority To Classify Information or Material Within the Executive office of the President
PURSUANT to Section 2(A) of the Executive Order of March 8, 1972, entitled Classification and Declassification of National Security Information and Material, I hereby designate the following offices in the Executive office of the President as possessing authority to originally classify information or material
"Top Secret" as set forth in said Order:
The White House office
National Security Council
Office of Management and Budget
Domestic Council
Office of Science and Technology
Office of Emergency Preparedness
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Council on International Economic Policy
Council of Economic Advisers
National Aeronautics and Space Council
Office of Telecommunications Policy
March 8, 1972.
Richard Nixon, Order Designating Authority To Classify Information or Material Within the Executive office of the President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/255165