"Texas has the most business friendly climate in the country. They have ombudsmen for every industry. Texas Governor Rick Perry says he comes on hunting trips to California. ... And I said, 'Really? What are you hunting out here?' He said, 'Companies. Because we can offer them virtually zero percent corporate income tax, we will get you through the permitting in lightning speed. We are open for business.'"
— Sacramento Bee, 9/26/10, http://www.rickperry.org/content/uploads/2011/09/sacbee92610.pdf
And in her mind, California needs a turnaround. After she had been at eBay a few years, Whitman said, the executive staff began to wonder: If we had to start eBay all over again, would we do it in California? Which state would you pick? I asked. She answered, "Probably Texas."
— San Francisco Chronicle, 3/11/10, http://articles.sfgate.com/2010-03-11/opinion/18385183_1_meg-whitman-uni...
MEG WHITMAN: ... It's impossible to build anything in California in any short period of time so a lot of folks go to other states or other countries 'cause it's easier to get things done. And in the end, you know, business people are smart. They go where it's easy and profitable to do business.
JIM GLASSMAN: And of course we're here in Texas and a lot of individuals and businesses have moved from California to Texas, partly because of taxes, partly because of the tort-
MEG WHITMAN: -Regulation.
JIM GLASSMAN: -Regulation and-
MEG WHITMAN: Tort reform.
JIM GLASSMAN: The tort reform as well.
MEG WHITMAN: Absolutely, yeah. I mean I think Texas probably is one of the best states in the country for business. You have established yourself with a reputation of being business friendly, of being a place that there's opportunity and a way to get ahead.
— "Ideas in Action Jim Glassman," June 22, 2011, video (4:52 mark) and transcript available athttp://www.ideasinactiontv.com/episodes/2011/06/meg-whitman-on-boosting-...
Rick Perry, Perry Campaign Press Release - Meg Whitman in Her Own Words Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/297876