Photo of Donald Trump

Pool Reports of February 10, 2020

February 10, 2020

Pool Reports by Michael Wilner, McClatchy

Sent: Reports:
February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #1

Good morning. It's drizzling at the White House. Your pool has gathered at the Palm Room Doors for POTUS' remarks at the White House Business Session with our Nation's Governors, held in in the State Dining Room. Details forthcoming.

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #2

Your pool entered the State Dining Room at 11:09 AM. POTUS entered at 11:11 AM.

"We're in the midst of a great American comeback," the president said. "We're creating the most prosperous economy and most inclusive society ever to exist, actually."

He is touting the same economic figures he cited in his State of the Union address last week.

He says that opportunity zones are at the center of his economic agenda. "We're fighting every day to expand opportunities for African Americans," he said.

"There's never been anything like it, opportunity zones," he said, thanking Tim Scott.

Jared Kushner, Kellyanne Conway, Larry Kudlow, Elaine Chow, Betsy DeVos and Ben Carson are among those here.

Your pooler has requested a full list of attendees, and will send along as soon as it's received.

More to come.

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #3

The President is touting the passage of "landmark criminal justice reform," which he says is meant to "give former prisoners a second chance."

He is promoting his deregulatory agenda, criticizing states such as California for their approach to housing policy. "They don't know what they're doing," he said.

POTUS also claiming that his deregulation efforts have expedited infrastructure projects while ensuring the same environmental and safety checks for new roads and highways.

he is touting the work of ICE, crediting state and local governments for a crackdown on "thousands and thousands of killers and gang members." He criticized sanctuary cities.

And he said that, while the opioid crisis is a worldwide problem, he is crediting midwestern states for making progress and thanked Conway for leadership on the effort.

Still going. More to come.

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #4

"We're the No. 1 country in the world right now in terms of the economy," POTUS said, claiming that his administration has defied expectations that China's economy would have surpassed the United States' economy by now.

"We are now so far ahead of China in terms of our economy," "Nobody's going to catch us."

He joked about staying in office beyond his two-term limit, expressing hope that his successor will follow his policies: "I won't joke by saying 9, 13, 15... it drives them crazy."

He began taking questions from the gathered governors.

He said that the administration would "need the votes of Democrats" for an infrastructure package.

On NATO: "I think my biggest fan in the world is Secretary General Stoltenberg."

"We were taken advantage of by a lot of countries, by a lot of allies."

He said "the next thing could be Europe" in terms of a comprehensive trade negotiation.

On coronavirus: People think it will "go away in April" due to "the heat." Says the United States is well positioned, though.

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #5 — Romney, nukes

"How's Mitt Romney? You keep him. We don't want him," POTUS said to Governor Herbert of Utah. Herbert did not respond, asking instead about the national debt.

"We're not touching Medicare... were not touching social security," POTUS continued. "We're increasing spending on our nuclear program." Cited "tremendous waste and tremendous fraud."

POTUS said he's open to negotiations over the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, but he said that until then, he has no choice but to grow it.

POTUS vaguely accused the Obama administration of somehow being complicit in Russia getting the intelligence capability necessary for its latest nuclear weapons delivery system.

He is also addressing the problem of fentanyl and crediting China for criminalizing trade of the drug.

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #6

More coronavirus: "The heat generally speaking kills this kind of virus," POTUS repeated, suggesting China has given him confidence that the coronavirus outbreak will subside by April.

On Obamacare: "Preexisting, we'll always have," he said, because it's part of "society" now. But he said it's "not Obamacare anymore" because of the repeal of the individual mandate.

He claims, despite the debate early in his administration, that he chose to "make people relatively happy with a bad law" as opposed to repeal the full law outright. But he said that, with a Republican House, the administration can revisit the debate.

Your pool was escorted out of the State Dining Room at 11:45 AM. He said he'd continue to take the governors' questions outside view of the press.

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #7

Apologies for a delay in Pool Reports Nos. 5 and 6 due to bad service in the State Dining Room.

The White House passed along the following information on the event:

This morning, President Donald J. Trump and members of his Administration will participate in the 2020 White House Business Session with Our Nation's Governors. The discussions will be focused on shared, bipartisan priorities: combatting substance abuse, improving mental health, strengthening America's workforce, improving connectivity (including 5G), deregulation and smarter regulations, reducing drug pricing, growing industries of the future, advancing opportunity zones, and advancing criminal justice reform. This event demonstrates the President's commitment to building relationships with our Nation's governors to better serve our fellow citizens through bipartisan collaboration.

Prior to remarks by President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence spoke with our Nation's governors about shared priorities and the Governors' Initiative on Regulatory Innovation that is led by the Vice President. Throughout the morning, governors participated in breakout sessions on shared State-Federal priorities with Senior Trump Administration Officials. The breakout sessions and readout from each can be found below.

The following individuals are expected to attend:

The White House
President Donald J. Trump
Vice President Mike Pence
Mick Mulvaney, Acting Chief of Staff
Chris Liddell, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Coordination
Kellyanne Conway, Assistant to the President & Senior Counselor
Larry Kudlow, Assistant to the President & Director, National Economic Council (NEC)
John Eisenberg, Assistant to the President & Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security Affairs, National Security Council
Kristan Nevins, Assistant to the President & Cabinet Secretary
Brooke Rollins, Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives
Jim Carroll, Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
Kelvin Droegemeier, Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Mary Neumayr, Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
Tomas Philipson, Acting Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers (CEA)
Paul Ray, Administrator, Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)
Jennie Lichter, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Director, Domestic Policy Council (DPC)
Doug Hoelscher, Deputy Assistant to the President & Director, Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA)
Renee Hudson, Deputy Assistant to the President & Chief of Staff to the Senior Counselor
Andrew Olmem, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Director, NEC
Ja'Ron Smith, Deputy Assistant to the President, Office of American Innovation
Scott Turner, Executive Director of the White House Opportunity & Revitalization Council
Francis Brooke, Special Assistant to the President, NEC
Robin Colwell, Special Assistant to the President, NEC
William Crozer, Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director, IGA
Rosemary Lahasky, Special Assistant to the President & Director Domestic Initiatives, Office of Economic Initiatives and Entrepreneurship (OEIE)
Nicholas Pottebaum, Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director, IGA
James Redstone, Special Assistant to the President, DPC

Trump Administration
Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Department of Treasury
Secretary David Bernhardt, Department of the Interior
Secretary Sonny Perdue, Department of Agriculture
Secretary Wilbur Ross, Department of Commerce
Secretary Eugene Scalia, Department of Labor
Secretary Ben Carson, Department of Housing & Urban Development
Secretary Elaine Chao, Department of Transportation
Secretary Betsy DeVos, Department of Education
Secretary Robert Wilkie, Department of Veterans Affairs
Acting Secretary Chad Wolf, Department of Homeland Security
Administrator Jovita Carranza, Small Business Administration
Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen,Department of Justice
Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan, Department of Health and Human Services
Kimberly Reed, President & Chairman, Export-Import Bank of the United States
Commissioner Stephen Hahn, Food & Drug Administration, HHS
Richard A. Stone, M.D. Executive in Charge, Veterans Health Administration

External Participants
Gov. Mike Dunleavy, Alaska
Gov. Doug Ducey, Arizona
Gov. Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas
Gov. Jared Polis, Colorado
Gov. Ned Lamont, Connecticut
Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida
Gov. Brian Kemp, Georgia
Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero, Guam
Gov. David Ige, Hawaii
Gov. Brad Little, Idaho
Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Illinois
Gov. Eric Holcomb, Indiana
Gov. Kim Reynolds, Iowa
Gov. John Bel Edwards, Louisiana
Gov. Charlie Baker, Massachusetts
Gov. Larry Hogan, Maryland
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan
Gov. Mike Parson, Missouri
Gov. Steve Bullock, Montana
Gov. Pete Ricketts, Nebraska
Gov. Phil Murphy, New Jersey
Gov. Doug Burgum, North Dakota
Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada
Gov. Mike DeWine, Ohio
Gov. Kevin Stitt, Oklahoma
Gov. Wanda Vazquez Garced, Puerto Rico
Gov. Henry McMaster, South Carolina
Gov. Kristi Noem, South Dakota
Gov. Bill Lee, Tennessee
Gov. Greg Abbott, Texas
Gov. Albert Bryan, U.S. Virgin Islands
Gov. Gary Herbert, Utah
Bill McBride, Executive Director, National Governors Association (NGA)
Susie Quinn, Director of Government Relations, NGA
Matthew Clark, Chief of Staff to Gov. Larry Hogan, Maryland (NGA Chair)

Breakout Session Readouts and Expected Participants

Empowering Patients and Improving Health Outcomes by Combatting Substance Abuse and Improving Mental Health
Participants discussed leveraging Federal funding and waivers and additional flexibilities to expand mental health and substance abuse treatment options, effective actions States have taken to reduce drug demand, identifying barriers to better address the drug (meth, opioid) addiction crisis, and identify ways the Federal government can reduce veterans suicide.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson (AR)
Gov. John Bel Edwards (LA)
Gov. Charlie Baker (MA)
Gov. Larry Hogan (MD)
Gov. Wanda Vazquez Garced (PR)
Gov. Kristi Noem (SD)

Strengthening America's Workforce by Expanding STEM Education, Apprenticeships, and Career and Technical Training
Participants focused on the Pledge to America's workers including bipartisan efforts among governors, the strong American job market, identifying ways to partner with the private sector to cultivate new economic opportunities for workers, identifying ways States can ensure workers have the skills needed for rewarding careers, improving workforce participation to get more individuals off the sidelines, improving access to training, reskilling and education opportunities, and identifying best practices for helping veterans and their family's transition from military service to civilian life.

Gov. Ron DeSantis (FL)
Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero (GU)
Gov. David Ige (HI)
Gov. Brian Kemp (GA)
Gov. Kim Reynolds (IA)
Gov. Eric Holcomb (IN)
Gov. Mike Parson (MO)
Gov. Mike DeWine (OH)
Gov. Henry McMaster (SC)
Gov. Bill Lee (TN)

Transforming American Communities Through 5G and Connectivity
Participants explored efforts States are taking to expand 5G and broadband deployment and identifying ways the State and Federal government can partner to streamline connectivity infrastructure and support 5G development so families, farmers, and small businesses have reliable, high-speed connectivity.

Gov. Doug Ducey (AZ)
Gov. Jared Polis (CO)
Gov. Ned Lamont (CT)
Gov. Brad Little (ID)
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (MI)
Gov. Pete Ricketts (NE)
Gov. Doug Burgum (ND)
Gov. Albert Bryan (USVI)

Supporting Infrastructure and Growth through Regulatory Innovation
Participants discussed implementing the One Federal Decision policy to establish a two-year goal for completion of environmental reviews for major infrastructure projects, advancing National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) improvements, better aligning Federal and State processes to reduce duplicative reviews, reducing inefficiencies in Federal regulatory processes, the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, and exploring how States are improving infrastructure.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy (AK)
Gov. J.B. Pritzker (IL)
Gov. Steve Bullock (MT)
Gov. Phil Murphy (NJ)
Gov. Steve Sisolak (NV)
Gov. Kevin Stitt (OK)
Gov. Greg Abbott (TX)
Gov. Gary Herbert (UT)

Empowering Patients and Improving Health Outcomes by Reducing Drug Pricing and Exploring Prescription Drug Importation
Participants discussed how the Federal government and States can partner through Medicaid and other healthcare purchasing power to lower drug prices for consumers, necessary reforms to empower consumers in the healthcare marketplace to expand choice and lower costs for prescription drugs, and State prescription drug importation programs.

Gov. Jared Polis (CO)
Gov. Ron DeSantis (FL)
Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero (GU)
Gov. J.B. Pritzker (IL)
Gov. Mike Parson (MO)
Gov. Mike DeWine (OH)
Gov. Steve Sisolak (NV)
Gov. Greg Abbott (TX)

Reskilling America's Workers and Growing Industries of the Future
Participants explored steps that all levels of government are taking to grow industries of the future, ensure workers have high-demand skills, growing advanced manufacturing, and prioritizing research and development in the artificial intelligence space.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy (AK)
Gov. Doug Ducey (AZ)
Gov. Brian Kemp (R, GA)
Gov. Charlie Baker (MA)
Gov. Larry Hogan (MD)
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (MI)
Gov. Steve Bullock (MT)
Gov. Pete Ricketts (NE)

Transforming American Communities by Advancing Opportunity Zones
Participants discussed how States are aligning economic and workforce development efforts and deregulating to nurture development in Opportunity Zones, nurture holistic approach, identifying urban revitalization and rural prosperity best practices to ensure long-forgotten Americans are forgotten no more.

Gov. David Ige (HI)
Gov. Eric Holcomb (IN)
Gov. John Bel Edwards (LA)
Gov. Kevin Stitt (OK)
Gov. Wanda Vazquez Garced (PR)
Gov. Kristi Noem (SD)
Gov. Albert Bryan (USVI)
Gov. Gary Herbert (UT)

Advancing Criminal Justice and Prison Reform
Participants explored successful prison and criminal justice reform efforts, recidivism reduction and reentry best practices, First Step Act implementation, and expanded Second Chance Hiring opportunities.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson (AR)
Gov. Ned Lamont (CT)
Gov. Kim Reynolds (IA)
Gov. Brad Little (ID)
Gov. Doug Burgum (ND)
Gov. Phil Murphy (NJ)
Gov. Henry McMaster (SC)
Gov. Bill Lee (TN)

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #8

The White House has called a lunch lid until 2:30 PM.

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #9

Your pool was ushered through the Palm Room to the South Lawn at 4:10 PM, awaiting POTUS' Marine One departure for Joint Base Andrews.

POTUS is headed to New Hampshire.

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #10

POTUS walked out of the Oval Office at 4:27 PM sporting a red tie and an overcoat. He briefly put his hand outside the portico and went back inside, where Jared Kushner and Robert O'Brien were chuckling — it's still raining here in Washington.

An aide your pooler couldn't immediately identify ran to get him an umbrella, and four minutes later, the President re-emerged. He gave a thumbs up to your pool but did not stop for questions.

POTUS boarded Marine One at 4:32 PM, alongside Dan Scavino, Kushner and O'Brien. Wheels were up at 4:36 PM.

Handing it over to out-of-town pool.

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #11 — possible bad weather call

Your in-town pool has been informed of an initial bad weather call at 11:25 pm EST. We'll be rolling to JBA shortly.

February 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #12 — final bad weather call

Bad weather call confirmed. We're loaded into the vans and began rolling for JBA at 11:47pm EST.

February 11, 2020

WH in-town pool report #13 — JBA arrival

Your pool arrived at JBA at 12:09am EST. Awaiting to join motorcade.

February 11, 2020

WH in-town pool report #14

Your pool joined POTUS' motorcade and rolled out of JBA at 12:40am EST. We did not exit the vans since arrival, and did not witness POTUS disembark the AF1. Now heading back to the White House.

February 11, 2020

WH in-town pool report #15 — WH arrival and lid

POTUS' motorcade arrived back at the White House at 12:57 am EST. POTUS went straight into the residence – your pool did not see him depart the motorcade or enter the building. The White House called a lid shortly after our arrival at the South Portico at 1:00 am EST.

Good night, all.

Pool Reports below by Eli Stokols, Los Angeles Times

Sent: Reports:
February 10, 2020

Out of town pool report #1 — JBA

Good afternoon from a rain-slicked tarmac at Joint Base Andrews. Marine One touched down at 4:45 p.m. POTUS, wearing his overcoat and a red tie, stepped off at 4:49, took an opened umbrella from an aide and walked over to Air Force One. He stopped to give the pool a thumbs up and then boarded using the lower stairs.

Traveling with POTUS today: Robert O'Brien, Jared Kushner, Emma Doyle, Dan Scavino.

We will be wheels up shortly for Manchester, NH, where POTUS will hold a rally at 7 p.m.

February 10, 2020

Out of town pool report #2 — MHT arrival

?Air Force One was wheels up from JBA at 4:59 p.m. and wheels down at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport at 5:51.

The flight was uneventful, with the TVs turned to Fox News‘ coverage of the NH primary. Toward the end of the flight, Rep. Steve Scalise and Robert O'Brien popped into the press cabin to say a quick hello. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel was also on the flight, spotted by co-pooler Katie Rogers as we came down the back stairs.

POTUS stepped off AF1 at 6:08 and came down the main stairs, followed close behind by the 12 other administration officials and GOP lawmakers making the trip. Hard to see faces but House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Mark Meadows and Rep. Matt Gaetz were among them.

Here is the list of tarmac greeters from the White House:

Governor Chris Sununu
Governor of the State of New Hampshire
State Representative Al Baldasaro
State Representative from New Hampshire's 5th Rockingham State House District and New Hampshire Co-Chairman for Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Corey Lewandowski
Former Campaign Manager for Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Lou Gargiulo

February 10, 2020

Out of town pool report #3 — arena arrival

Motorcade arrived at SNHU Arena in downtown Manchester at 6:30 p.m. after about a 15-minute drive from the airport. Passed lots of yard signs for various Democratic candidates stuck into the snow along Granite Street, but not the usual number of onlookers given the cold and street closures.

Pool did not see POTUS enter the arena but did pass Stephen Miller on our way in the press entrance. VPOTUS Pence at the podium when we walked in and is speaking now.

Remarks will be open press and available on TV or livestream, but pool will pass along some color shortly.

February 10, 2020

Out of town pool report #4 - Trump takes the stage

Pence wrapped his remarks at 6:54 p.m. and POTUS took the stage at 7:02 p.m. and began speaking at 7:04 after a rapturous ovation. He began by talking about the crowd and said he has more people inside and outside SNHU Arena than all the Democratic candidates have at their own events.

SNHU Arena appears to be at capacity, with attendees packing the lower and upper sections, as well as the floor space between the press riser and the stage.

Lots of GOP lawmakers, campaign surrogates and staffers milling about signing hats, posing for selfies before the president came out.

As usual, the remarks are open press.

February 10, 2020

Out of town pool report #5 - Rally highlights

In his first rally since the Senate's vote to acquit him on two articles of impeachment, Trump celebrated his "full, complete and absolute and total acquittal."

As he reprised the votes, he mentioned losing only Romney in the Senate -- and he was cut off by immediate and loud boos at the mention of the Utah senator's name.

He also referred to the State of the Union address six days ago: "I had somebody behind me who was mumbling terribly," he said, prompting a loud "Lock her up!" chant.

"We have the highest poll numbers that we have ever had," he continued. "Thank you, Nancy, very much."

He also remarked on tomorrow's New Hampshire primary and seemed to urge independent voters to take part on the Democratic side.

"I hear a lot of Republicans tomorrow will vote for the weakest candidate possible of the Democrats," he said, although he claimed he was "still trying to figure out" who that was. "I think they're all weak."

He referenced his narrow 2016 general election loss in New Hampshire, telling supporters that "we should have won" but claimed that Democrats "had buses being shipped up from Massachusetts."

He introduced many of the lawmakers and aides who traveled with him and were seated in the first few rows to Trump's right, remarking at the louder ovation for Rep. Matt Gaetz: "Not bad," he said.

He called Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr. to the stage briefly and when he asked if his oldest son had made a good speech, some in the crowd chanted "Forty-six!"

Gaetz, incidentally, was mingling with supporters, signing hats and taking pictures on the floor by the press riser during much of the president's speech.

Around the 7:40 mark, Trump decided to read "The Snake" for the first time in a long while, noting the hush that fell over the arena just before he began. "This is illegal immigration," he said, by way of introduction.

When he read the line about the snake giving the woman "a vicious bite," a man behind the press table shouted: "Pelosi!"

More riffs on Democrats and the Iowa caucuses debacle: "The Democratic Party wants to run your healthcare, but they can't even run a caucus in Iowa."

"We have become a big party," Trump said of the GOP. "An open-minded party... We're the hot party. We're the party with all the enthusiasm."Nearing the one-hour mark, Trump still on stage but pool being told to begin packing up.

Nearing the one-hour mark, Trump still on stage but pool being told to begin packing up.

February 10, 2020

Out of town pool report #6 — rally ends

POTUS wrapped at 8:01 p.m. to another loud ovation. One of his shorter rally speeches at 57 minutes.

Pool heading back to vans now, motorcade will be rolling back to MHT shortly.

February 10, 2020

Out of town pool report #7 — MHT departure

Motorcade was rolling from SNHU Arena at 8:13 p.m. and pulled up beside Air Force One at 8:29. POTUS boarded at 8:30, waving briefly atop the stairs.

We will be wheels up shortly.

February 10, 2020

Out of town pool report #8 — Dover bound

POTUS is heading to Dover to take part in the dignified transfer for:

SFC Antonio R. Rodriguez
SFC Javier J. Gutierrez

Wheels up now.

February 10, 2020

Out of town pool report #9 — Dover AFB arrival

Air Force One touched down at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware at 9:46 p.m.

Pool will be staying on the plane while POTUS deplaned and meets with family members, but we will be allowed to observe the ceremony. VPOTUS arrived earlier and will also take part.

Just as we were taxiing to depart MHT, Ambassador Robert O'Brien appeared in the press cabin to announce that AF1 was headed to Dover so POTUS could take part in the dignified transfer ceremony for two servicemen killed in Afghanistan last weekend.

He also had a bit more information on the two individuals, both from the A Company, Third Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group based in Florida:

SFC Antonio R. Rodriguez was from Las Cruces, NM.

SFC Javier J. Gutierrez was from San Antonio, Tex.

O'Brien, who spoke with the pool for about 10 minutes upon takeoff, said these ceremonies and visits to Walter Read are the "toughest" thing POTUS has to do.

"These were fallen heroes and we were close by and the president wrapped his rally early so he could come," he said.

O'Brien also responded to a question about POTUS claiming today that the Coronavirus would likely abate by April when the weather gets warmer. He said Trump was just "referring to the fact that usually warmer weather reduces transmission," although he noted there is more uncertainty in this case because it's a new virus.

February 10, 2020

Out of town pool report #10 — Dover dignified transfer

Pool deplaned at Dover AFB just before 10 p.m. in a light rain and was briefed about the dignified transfer, a solemn movement from the C-17 to an awaiting vehicle.

We're told that this is the first time since 2009 that a POTUS and VPOTUS attended a dignified transfer together. A full list of the official party is at the bottom of this pool note.

After our briefing, pool was brought back out to the tarmac. The group or lawmakers and aides traveling with POTUS also made their way out to the tarmac around 10:55 (Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, Amb. Robert O'Brien, Sen. Rand Paul, Leader McCarthy and Rep. Gaetz).

At 11:03 in a light rain, the marshaler directed the vehicle with the family members of both transfers onto the tarmac and it pulled to a stop. One family member broke away toward the C-17 carrying the two transfers and was wailing as other family members and a soldier gathered her on the bottom of the rear ramp.

A few moments later once the family members were beneath a canopy, the Army carry team emerged from our right and walked behind the transfer vehicle up the ramp into the rear of the C-17 aircraft. VPOTUS and POTUS followed.

After a prayer inside the aircraft out of our view, VPOTUS and POTUS walked out and stood at attention. When the carry team brought the first flag-draped transfer, SFC Javier J. Gutierrez, down to the tarmac, they saluted as the six white gloved members of the carry team walked past with the flag-draped remains and loaded it into the waiting vehicle.

Then, the same carry team did an about face and walked back up into the C-17. After another short prayer, they came out carrying the second flag-draped transfer, SFC Antonio R. Rodriguez, again passing VPOTUS and POTUS, who stood at attention, both saluting with their right hands.

When both transfers were loaded, the back doors of the vehicle were closed and the van drove away. As the carry team and official party walked past the family, POTUS gave a low thumbs up, pumping his right fist below his waist as they walked out of view at 11:31.

POTUS rolled back to AF1 in the motorcade. We have boarded and are rolling, will be wheels up momentarily for JBA.From Dover Air Force Base:

Official Party (L to R): First Row
Col. G. Brian Eddy, Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations Commander
CMSgt Ramon Colon-Lopez, Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Gen. Mark A. Milley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Hon. Norquist
Mike R. Pence, Vice President of the United States
Donald J. Trump, President of the United States

Second Row:
Hon. James McPhereson, General Counsel
James C. McConville, Chief of Staff of the Army
SGM Michael Grinston, Sergeant Major of the Army
Maj. Gen. John Brennan, 1st Special Forces Group Commander
CSM Tomas Sandoval, Command Sergeant Major, 1st Special Forces Group
Col. Matthew Jones, 436th Airlift Wing Commander

Door Attendant: Staff Sgt. Tiliyah Tillman

February 11, 2020

Out of town pool report #11 — JBA

AF1 was wheels up at 11:50 p.m. from Dover AFB and wheels down at JBA at 12:26 a.m.

About 10 minutes into the flight, POTUS came back to the press cabin and talked for almost 20 minutes, all of which was off the record.

POTUS came down the lower steps at 12:35 with an umbrella and stepped into the Beast. Because of the weather, POTUS will motorcade back to the White House. So handing off to in-town pool now.

Donald J. Trump, Pool Reports of February 10, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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