Joe Biden

Pool Reports of January 29, 2021

January 29, 2021

Pool Reports by Susan Crabtree, RealClearPolitics

Sent: Reports:
January 29, 2021

In-town print pool report #1

Good morning from a chilly but sunny White House.

I'll be your in-town print pooler for today.

I've been COVID tested this morning. Press Secretary Jen Psaki is set to brief early today - at 10 a.m. – I'll let you know when we get the 2 min. warning.

Per the guidance, the main pooled events on the POTUS agenda are an 11 a.m. POTUS and VPOTUS economic briefing with the Treasury Sec. (pool spray) and a POTUS trip to Walter Reed, departing at 1:45 p.m.

I have inquired about the agenda for the Walter Reed visit – and will let you know if I get more information.

January 29, 2021

Print pool report #2 -- 2-min. warning

We just got a 2-min warning for the press briefing.

January 29, 2021

Print pool report #3 -- gather for economic briefing

At 10:51 a.m. -- Pool has just been called to the briefing room doors to cover the economic briefing pool spray.

January 29, 2021

Print pool report #4 - economic pool spray

Pool was ushered into the Oval office at 11:21 a.m.

POTUS and VPOTUS were sitting on each side of the fireplace in the Oval Office – Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen and Jared Bernstein, chief economist and economic policy adviser, was on the couch to his left. Brian Deese, director of the National Economic Council was sitting on the couch to VPOTUS' right.

POTUS talked first, underscoring "the unique cost of inaction" in not quickly passing a COVID relief bill.
"You have to act now – there is no time to delay."
"The risk is not doing too much. The risk is not doing enough."
He mentioned the problems that children face not going to school and how parents are missing out on job growth and opportunity by being forced to stay home to care for their children during the pandemic.

Then Yellen spoke: She highlighted the benefits of "acting now and acting big."
She also agreed with Biden about the risk not being about doing too much.

Pool was ushered out at roughly 11:28.

Biden did not respond to shouted question about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine or the whether they discussed Gamestop.

More quotes and details to follow.

January 29, 2021

Print pool report #5- fuller quotes

Fuller quotes from pool spray before economic meeting.

POTUS: "There is an overwhelming consensus among economists – right, left and center—that this is a unique moment….the cost of inaction is (inaudible) and growing every day."

He mentioned that 900,000 more Americans filed for unemployment last week and 30 million Americans don't have enough food to eat this week while interest rates are at historic lows and the "return on smart investments in the economy have never been higher."

"And it's not just me saying that. It's a consensus among the vast majority of economists in the country, right, left and center, including Vice President Trump and George W. Bush," he said.

"You could see an entire cohort of kids lower their lifetime earnings" if they are delayed further in returning to school.
Parents, "mainly moms," are forced to stay home to take care of their family missing job opportunities, growth and prospects.

"We have learned from past crises that the risk is not doing too much. The risk is not doing enough," Biden said.

Yellen said the president's plan is based on "smart investments to get our economy back on track."

"The president is absolutely right. The price of doing nothing is much higher than the price of doing something – and doing something big. We need to act now, and the benefits of acting now and acting big far outweigh the costs" of failing to act.

On the J&J questions, POTUS he hasn't had a chance to speak to Dr. Fauci.

Then POTUS returned to pressing for a stimulus plan.

January 29, 2021

Print pool report #6 Walter Reed departure

Motorcade is rolling away from the White House at 12:17 p.m.

One correction to a quote from the economic pool spray:

POTUS did not refer to "Vice President Trump" as I put in the last pool report.

This is the correct quote:
"And it's not just me saying that. It's a consensus among the vast majority of economists in the country, right, left and center, including former President Trump and George W. Bush," he said.

January 29, 2021

In-town print pool report #7 Walter Reed arrival and correction

After an uneventful ride, pool arrived at Walter Reed Medical Center at 12:45 pm.

Correction: POTUS was not in the stream of SUVs and press vans that left the WH at 12:17 pm – he is scheduled to take Marine One, leaving the White House at 1:45 p.m.

Pool apologizes for the confusion/misstatement.

Per last night's WH guidance, POTUS plans to visit with wounded service members this afternoon.

January 29, 2021

Pool report # 7 Marine One arrival

Marine One touched down at asphalt area outside Walter Reed at 2:01 pm.

POTUS exited shortly thereafter and got into the motorcade, which ferried him to an entrance.

Pool merged with the motorcade and entered Walter Reed through a nondescript side entrance. We are now holding in a corridor inside.

POTUS is expected to make some brief remarks shortly.

January 29, 2021

Print pool report #8 POTUS remarks at Walter Reed

President Biden walked into the Walter Reed corridor where pool was holding at about 2:15 p.m. He was greeted by two Walter Reed officials (pool has asked for names).

He chatted with them for a few minutes, thanking them for the great care they provided his son, Beau, in his "final days" and when he came back from his deployment in Iraq while serving as a major in the Delaware Army National Guard. Beau underwent treatment at Walter Reed for brain cancer; he died at the medical center in 2015.

It was difficult to see and hear from my vantage point. I'll try to provide follow-up quotes if I can discern them from my recording or others.

After POTUS remarks, pool was then escorted out of the medical center and is holding outside in vans.

On background from the office of the president: Today, President Biden visited with 5 Wounded Warriors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Greeters at MATC
• Colonel Andrew Barr, Director, WRNMMC
• Master Chief Randy Swanson, Command Master Chief
• Commander Megan Nasworthy, WHMU/WRNMMC

The wounded warriors the President met with were from the following branches.
1 member of the Marine Corps
3 members of the Army
1 Member of the Army National Guard

January 29, 2021 [APP Note: Report #9 does not exist or was not received by the APP. Note also that there are two Reports #7.]
January 29, 2021

Print pool report #10 vaccine site

At about 2:40 pm pool vans were rolling again to another part of Walter Reed. Then a few mins later, pool was ushered into a converted basketball gym that had been transformed into a COVID Vaccine Site. (We know that because of the sign hanging from an upper balcony seating area saying so).

There are roughly a dozen tables where masked attendants in white medical gowns appeared poised to deliver vaccines to service members, some in fatigues, although they didn't seem to be doing so while pool was in the room.

POTUS entered at 2:56 pm accompanied by two Walter Reed officials. He greeted the staff and discussed overall vaccine procedures. All pool could make out from POTUS was, "How long have you been doing this?" Pool was then whisked away to the other side of the gym to watch while POTUS made his way around the gym talking to staff. All people in the gym were masked but POTUS did not always maintain six feet social distance while observing vaccine demonstrations and talking to staff.

Pool again had a hard time hearing any of the interactions - for this and POTUS' previous remarks at Walter Reed, I would direct you to audio captured by television crews.

Pool was ushered out at 3:08 pm - we are now holding in vans again outside the vaccine facility.

January 29, 2021

Print pool report #11 departure from Walter Reed

Pool merged with the motorcade at 3:13 p.m. and headed to the Marine One tarmac just outside the Walter Reed facilities.

POTUS boarded Marine One, which lifted off at 3:20, headed back to the White House.

On background from the Office of the President:
Greeters at COVID19 Vaccine Center
• Colonel Andrew Barr, Director, WRNMMC
• Captain Mary Seymour, Commander, Naval Support Activity Bethesda

1) Cdr Tracy Michelle McCollough (officer in charge of the whole vaccine site)
2) TSGT Karlena Marie Perkins (she is the Supervisor for check in

1) SFC Nicholas Adam Mariott (Senior enlisted leader of vaccine site)

1) SPC Milan Aquino Torres

January 29, 2021

Print pool report #12 - pool in transit to WH

At 3:23 p.m., pool is rolling back to the White House.

January 29, 2021

Print pool report #13 - pool back at WH

Pool arrived back at the White House at 3:55 p.m.

January 29, 2021

Print pool report #14

And at 4:03 p.m., we have a travel photo lid.

Have a good evening everyone. Stay warm!


Pool Reports below by Courtney Subramanian, USA Today

Sent: Reports:
January 29, 2021

Supplemental pool report #1 - Gathering for departure

Pool has assembled on the South Lawn for the president's Marine One departure, which is scheduled for 1:45 PM. The president will visit wounded soldiers at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

January 29, 2021

Supplemental pool report #2 - Departure for Walter Reed

POTUS emerged from the Oval at 1:45 pm with First Lady Jill Biden. The pair shared a kiss before First Lady saw him off and the president walked over to reporters and spoke for a minute and a half.

Pool had a hard time hearing but POTUS said he was going to Walter Reed to visit the wounded soldiers. Said Congress has to pass a Covid relief package. Please check against tape. Pool will listen back and send full quotes.

He board Marine One at 1:49 pm and lifted at 1:52pm.

POTUS was joined by:
-Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff
-Yohannes Abraham, Deputy Assistant to the President and NSC Chief of Staff and Executive Secretary
-Stephen Goepfert, Special Assistant to the President and Personal Aide to the President

January 29, 2021

Supplemental pool report #3 - Quotes from departure

Please check against tapes.

POTUS said he's "going out to visit some of the soldiers and sailors that are wounded."

"I've been at Walter Reed a lot. I spent almost six months there myself as a patient. And in addition to that, as Vice President, every single Christmas, we spent all of Christmas Day at Walter Reed. These kids are amazing. And thank God, there's not as many people to visit. So all the people I'm seeing today are being treated, more of them are amputees… are people who, in fact, are retired…but they're real heroes."

"And then we're going to go see the vaccination distribution."

Asked if he supported using reconciliation to pass COVID relief, POTUS said: "I support passing COVID relief with support from Republicans if we can get it. But the COVID relief has to pass. There's no ifs, ands or buts."

January 29, 2021

Supplemental pool report #4 - Gathering for WH arrival

Pool gathered on the South Lawn for the president's arrival, which is earlier than expected.

It's a frigid 32 degrees.

January 29, 2021

Supplemental pool report #5 - WH arrival

Marine One touched down at 3:30pm.

POTUS disembarked at 3:32pm and waved to the press as he headed back to the residence. He did not stop to answer shouted questions.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Pool Reports of January 29, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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