Pool Reports by George Condon, National Journal
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July 16, 2020 10:13 |
Pool report 1 Greetings from a steamy White House. Pool has been Covid tested and a press secretary briefing has been added for 1 p.m. |
July 16, 2020 11:42 |
Pool Report #2 Larry Kudlow fielded some questions in the driveway. Your pool, alas, was not there. But here is the link from C-SPAN. He took questions on deregulation, lamented that "our opponent" wants to end "shareholder capitalism" and called India "a very protectionist country." https://www.c-span.org/video/?473939-1/larry-kudlow-comments-reporters-w... |
July 16, 2020 12:55 |
Pool report #3 In case you did not see the White House guidance, be advised the briefing has been moved to 2 p.m. |
July 16, 2020 15:01 |
Pool report 4 The press secretary's briefing began at 2:30 and concluded at 2:55. |
July 16, 2020 | [APP Note: See report by Tom DeFrank below which is labed as Report #5.] |
July 16, 2020 17:01 |
Pol report 6 After talking about his dereulatpry agenda and hearing from a new jersey car dealer, a Virginia nurse practitioner and an Arizona rancher he took aim at Joe Biden and his policy alliance with Bernie Sanders or as he called, the Biden-bernie plan.' Nothing less than "The destruction of the suburbs" is at stake. He promised that "The suburban destruction will end with us." He said that "Joe Biden and his bosses from the radical left" have to be stopped. If they get their way "suburbia would be no more." He also said Biden wants to empty the prisons. He promised a whirlwind eight weeks "like no one has ever seen.: |
July 16, 2020 17:44 |
Pool Report 7 - quotes on Biden (apologies for typos in 6; never a good idea to type in a sun glare that prevents you from seeing your screen) Color and more comments to follow in next report. Here are the key comments by the President concerning Joe Biden, delivered after he had made his standard pitch on the evils of regulations and the success of his de-regulatory efforts: "Our entire economy and our very way of life are threatened by the Biden plan to transform our nation and subjugated our communities through the blunt force instrument of federal regulations at a level that you haven't even seen. You think that was bad? You haven't even seen anything yet. They want to go many times what they [did] in the past. |
July 16, 2020 17:58 |
Pool report 8 Travel/photo lid declared at 5:56. But that doesn't mean you'll be deprived of the joy of further pool reports. One still to come. |
July 16, 2020 18:08 |
Pool Report 9 The White House had a beautiful day for the deregulatory event and the advance team outdid themselves with a colorful backdrop for the president's remarks. Behind him was the Truman Balcony. Over his right shoulder was a blue Chevy pickup trump. In its bed was what was supposed to look like three massive weights, not unlike what you would see in a Roadrunner cartoon. The bottom of the truck bore the sign: "40 Years of Regulatory Burden." Over his left shoulder was a similar red Chevy. This time, a construction crane had lifted the three weights out of the bed and they dangled above the truck. The sign on this truck was "4 Years of Regulatory Freedom." Arrayed in front of the president were 190 chairs, most of them filled with cheering supporters, most in shirtsleeves, few in masks. At 4:15, Hail the Chief was played and the president and vice president arrived on the scene. The president joked about "a nice crowd on a nice cool day." For the next 14 minutes he talked mostly about the evils of regulation, but also about "the China virus," low-flow showerheads and washers, incandescent light bulbs, and people crying "like a baby" when he signed bills lifting regulations from their shoulders. His lament about the showerheads was it forced people to take longer showers. "My hair—and I don't know about you—but it has to be perfect. Perfect." He said worries about overuse of water are misplaced. "Water is not a problem. It's called rain." On the virus, he trod familiar ground, boasting that the administration has produced "ventilators like nobody has seen before." He claimed "more than 100,000 ventilators in 100 days," adding "We've saved a lot of lives" and recalling that "the cupboard was bare when we took over." He added, "I don't want any credit." He linked the quest for a vaccine to his deregulatory push, stating, "No administration in history has removed more red tape more quickly." After his initial regulatory pitch, he listened to remarks by a car dealer from New Jersey, a nurse-practitioner from Virginia and a rancher from Arizona who detailed how their lives had improved when regulations were lifted. When they finished, the president pledged to "never return to the days of soul-crushing regulations" and transitioned into an assault on Joe Biden, starting with the "way of life" quote in Pool Report 7. |
Pool Report below by Tom DeFrank, National Journal
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July 16, 2020 16:13 |
Pool Report 5 >From Judd Deere: Over the last three years, the Trump Administration has fulfilled its promise to cut two regulations for every one new regulation, saving $50 billion in regulatory costs to date. Prior to the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic, these reforms contributed to more than 2 million Americans rising out of poverty, 7 million Americans liberated from food stamps, the highest median income in our Nation's history, lowest poverty rates, rising incomes, and lowest unemployment rates in half a century. President Trump's historic deregulation is lifting up forgotten American families, improving our Nation's infrastructure, and lowering the costs of essential everyday goods and services. The following individuals are expected to attend: The White House Trump Administration State & Local Officials External Participants |
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Pool Reports of July 16, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/336627