Photo of Donald Trump

Pool Reports of June 20, 2020

June 20, 2020

Pool Reports by Melissa Burke, The Detroit News

Sent: Reports:
June 20, 2020

In-town pool report #1

Good afternoon. I'm your in-town pooler today.

Pool has been temperature checked (at gate) and nose-swabbed for coronavirus and is standing by.

The president is scheduled to depart the White House for his Tulsa rally at 3:35 p.m.

I'll update you if we get a bad weather call for departure due to the scattered storms moving through the area.

June 20, 2020

In-house pool report #2

Pool is gathered outside on the South Lawn at 3:26 p.m. for the president's departure on this stormy day.

We are waiting for the president to come out. It's lightly raining.

June 20, 2020

In-house pool report #3

POTUS emerged from the WH at 3:54 with a black umbrella and briefly took questions for a couple minutes.

He called he ruling from the judge on Bolton book “great.” On the attempted firing of Manhattan US Attorney Geoffrey Berman, he said that's up to AG Barr, and that he is “not involved.”

Hard to hear over the helicopter. Will send fuller quotes soon.

President boarded Marine One in the rain followed by several staff.

M1 was wheels up at 4:01 p.m.

handing over to out of town pool.

June 20, 2020

In-town pool report #4 - fuller quotes

Fuller quotes from departure. Thanks to Fox News for playing back the tape:

On US Attorney Berman firing :

“That's all up to the attorney general. Attorney General Barr is working on that. That's his department, not my department. But we have a very capable attorney general, so that's really up to him. I'm not involved.”

On judge's ruling re John Bolton book:

POTUS said the judge was “very powerful in his statements on classified information and very powerful also on the fact that the country will get the money — any money he makes. So I hope a lot of books — uh, well, I probably shouldn't hope that but whatever he makes, he's going to be giving back. ...
I think judge was very smart and very indignant at what Bolton did. It was a great ruling. Obviously, the book was already out. It leaked and everything else. But he leaked classified information so he's got a big problem.”

On Tulsa rally:

“The event in Oklahoma is unbelievable. The crowds are unbelievable. They haven't seen anything like it. We will go there now. We'll give a hopefully good speech, see a lot of great people, a lot of great friends.”

On India and China border dispute:

”It's a very tough situation. We're talking to India. We're talking to China. They've got a big problem there. They've come to blows and we'll see what happens. We'll try and help them out.”

June 20, 2020

In-town pool report #5

Marine One was wheels down on the South Lawn at 12:58 a.m.

The president stepped off at 1:01 with his red tie undone and hanging around his neck, and what looked like a red cap in his hand. He waved a couple times. He did not stop to talk to press and entered the residence at 1:01 a.m.

We have travel/photo lid at 1:04.

Good night~


Pool Reports below by Rob Crilly, Washington Examiner

Sent: Reports:
June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #1: Andrews

Greetings from a wet JBA where your travel pool has been tested for Covid-19.

The rain stopped just before Marine One landed at 16:10.

POTUS walked directly to AF1 holding an umbrella over his head . He gave a wave and then a small double fist pump in the direction of the pool before boarding via the lower stairs.

Spotted travelling with POTUS: Kayleigh McEnany, Stephen Miller, Hope Hicks.

We have two events listed:
1800 CDT: The President delivers remarks at a Great American Comeback Celebration at an outdoor stage

1900 CDT: Remarks at a Make America Great Again rally at the BOK Center

Air Force One today carries the tail number 28000, for those of you who track these things.

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool #2: Wheels up

AF1 wheels up from Joint Base Andrews: 16:24.

See you in Tulsa.

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #3: Tulsa

Air Force One wheels down at Tulsa International Airport at 17:51 CT.

Flight was uneventful with no visitors to rear cabin.

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #4: Tulsa airport and motorcade

Potus emerged from AF1 at 18:04 into warm evening sun. He was greeted by Sen Jim Inhofe at the head of a line-up. Full list below

Potus spoke to greeters for a couple of minutes, turned to pool, clapped his hands together a couple of times in our direction and headed for the Beast.

Motorcade rolling at 18:07.

Names of greeters supplied by White House:
Senator Jim Inhofe
United States Senator from Oklahoma
Senator James Lankford
United States Senator from Oklahoma
Cindy Lankford
Spouse of Senator James Lankford
Lieutenant Governor Matt Pinnell
Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma
Mayor G.T. Bynum
Mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma
Chief Wendell Franklin
Chief of Police of the Tulsa Police Department
Principal Chief Justin Wood
Principal Chief of Sac and Fox Nation
Mayor Craig Thurmond
Mayor of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
MG Michael Thompson
Adjutant General, Oklahoma Army and Air National Guard
MAJ Ed Puildo, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Senior Vice President, Folds of Honor Foundation

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #4a: Also on AF1

Also travelling with POTUS on AF1 were:

Representative Markwayne Mullin
Representative Kevin Hern
Representative Frank Lucas
Representative Tom Cole

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #5: outdoor event dropped

This was sent via VP pool. Sending for people not on that list:

The campaign says there will only be indoor speeches tonight from both the vice president and president.

“President Trump is rallying in Tulsa with thousands of energetic supporters, a stark contrast to the sleepy campaign being run by Joe Biden from his basement in Delaware. Sadly, protestors interfered with supporters, even blocking access to the metal detectors, which prevented people from entering the rally. Radical protestors, coupled with a relentless onslaught from the media, attempted to frighten off the President's supporters. We are proud of the thousands who stuck it out," Tim Murtaugh, a campaign spokesman, says.

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #6: BOK Center

Motorcade arrived at BOK Center at 18:28.

No sign of supoorters or protesters on our route in which had been sealed off by police

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #7: POTUS

Takes stage at rally at 19:11.

Comms problems here. Feed is available on YouTube


June 20, 2020

Travel Print Pool #8: Rally color from earlier

(Sending of this was delayed)

Pool is set up on floor of arena.

Comms have been a bit tricky here with overloaded networks. Apologies for delay.

White House is not streaming but you can follow live here:

Arena is not full. Upper tier is sparsely populated. And among the rest of the crowd masks are in the minority.

Among the T-shirts is a "Defend the police" slogan and a Trump 45-football style jersey. In his intro the VP used the phrase "transition to greatness" but attendees have been given "Make America Great Again" signs to hold in the air. Make America Great again is also on the electronic display boards that ring the interior. The Stars and Stripes hans from the ceiling behind a podium set up to one side of the floor space.

Among the attendees is Josie Saltarelli, 38, paramedic from Tulsa, wearing a "F*** Your Feelings your T-shirt.
She said she wasn't worried about the coronavirus. "People die of other things all the time."

Her friend Sadie McPherson, a nurse assistant, said: "And many get better too."
She added that Trump would win. "Have you seen who he is running against?"

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #9: Trump quotes

In his speech POTUS has hit a lot of his favorite themes: fake news, energy dominance, appointing judges, supporting police, condemning protesters. He is still speaking. We are 26 min in so far. Some excerpts so far:

"You know testing is a double egded sword. We have tested now 25 m people. It's probably 20 million more than anybody else…

“Here's the bad part. When you do testing to that extent you're going to find more cases. So I said to my people slow the testing down. They test and they test."

“Let's open the schools.

“We gotta get them open. In the fall we gotta get them open.” HUGE CHEERS

"The unhinged left wing mob is trying to vandalize our history, desecrating our monuments, our beautiful monuments, tear down our statues and punish, cancel and persecute anyone who does not conform to their demands for absolute and total control, we're not conforming.

"That's why we're here actually. This cruel campaign of censorship and exclusion violates everything we hold dear as Americans. They want to demolish our heritage so they can impose their new oppressive regime in its place. They want to defund and dissolve our police departments. Think of that."

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #10: More quotes

POTUS called for legislation to punish people who burn the American flag during his speech. He is 50 minutes into his speech.
Some excerpts - as always, do check against video of event

"But the kids loved I because they broke their barrier, which wasn't good … covid… they wanted to shake hand hands

"I actually shook their hands. They were excited. They were with their president.

“All Democrat. Everything I tell you is Democrats. And we ought to do something, Mr senators… (TURNING TO OK SENATORS HERE TONIGHT)
“We ought to come up with legislation that if you burn the American flag you go to jail for one year… We oughta do it. We talk about freedom of speech… but that's desecration.”

“Joe Biden is a helpless puppet of the radical left. And he's not radical left. I don't think he knows what he is any more. But he's controlled by the radical left….
“His campaign staff even donated a lot of money to bail out rioters, looters and arsonists who ravaged Minneapolis…
“The left is trying to do everything they can to stop us every hour of every day including violence , mayhem, look what happened tonight.
"But we will never submit to their threats and we will never let them destroy our nation."

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #11: interruption as attendee taken ill

There was brief interruption at the 1hr 4 min mark when Trump paused his speech and called for doctors, as security guards went to the aid of a young man who appeared to have fainted. He was helped out by a security guard on either side. He was dressed in dark suit and a red tie and was able to walk out with assistance.

POTUS said: "Thank you. These people, I mean some of the people are waiting for five days, especially at this location, right? You take your time, take your time."

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #12: POtUS finishes

POTUS wraps up at 20:55 CT

Cue You Can't Always Get What You Want.

Spoke for 1hr 41min.

Towards the end made announcement on John Hope, Franklin Reconciliation Park

POTUS: "Today. I'm also announcing that I have directed Secretary of the Interior, David Byrne to place the John Hope, Franklin Reconciliation Park here in Tulsa on the African American Civil Rights Network."

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #13: motorcade

Motorcade rolling for airport at 21:00 CT.

June 20, 2020

Travel print pool report #14: Tulsa airport

Motorcade arrived at airport at 21:18 CT.

POTUS climbed steps alone, paused at top, turned and waved before entering.

We will be wheels up imminently.

June 21, 2020

Travel print pool report #15: JBA

AF1 wheels down 00:28.

Uneventful flight. No visitors to the rear cabin.

A tieless POTUS deplaned at 00:40. He waved a Maga hat in the direction of the pool as he descended the stairs, saluted at the bottom and then headed for Marine One.

Marine One wheels up 00:46.

Good night and thanks to fellow travel poolers for the sanitizer and WiFi hotspots.

Handing over to in town pool.

Stay safe.

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Pool Reports of June 20, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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