Joe Biden

Pool Reports of June 29, 2023

June 29, 2023

Pool Reports by Michael D. Shear, The New York Times

Sent: Reports:
June 29, 2023

Roosevelt Room remarks at 12:30

from the WH:

President Biden will deliver remarks in the Roosevelt Room on the Supreme Court's decision on affirmative action at 12:30 PM.

June 29, 2023

In-town pool report #2 — two minute warning

Two minute warning to POTUS remarks on affirmative action.

note: I neglected to number the first report of the day. It should have been in-town pool report #1.

June 29, 2023

In town pool report #3

Sorry for the delay in the warning. I had cell issues in the Roosevelt room.

POTUS just boarded M1 for departure to NYC. I will type up some of the affirmative action comments asap. POTUS answered one shouted question about whether the court is a rogue court.

This is not a normal court, he said.

more to come

June 29, 2023

In-Town pool report #4

POTUS walked directly to M1 from the Oval Office and did not stop to take questions.

From the White House:

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to Joint Base Andrews:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Press Secretary

In the brief remarks in the Roosevelt Room, POTUS said:

  • "Today, the court once again walked away from decades of precedent."
  • "I strongly, strongly disagree with the court's decision."
  • "I've always believed that the promise of America is that its big enough for everyone to succeed, and that every generation Americans, we have benefited by opening doors of opportunity just a little bit wider, to include those have been left behind."
  • "What I propose for consideration is a new standard for colleges taking into account the adversity a student has overcome when selecting among qualified applicants."
  • "Because the truth is we all know, discrimination still exists in America. discrimination still exists in America, discrimination still exists America. Today's decision has not changed that simple fact."

As noted before, POTUS stopped briefly as he exited the Roosevelt Room when a question about the court was shouted by a reporter. After briefly seeming to consider whether to say anything in response to the query about whether the court was a rogue court, POTUS answered: "This is not a normal court."

Now handing off to the out-of-town pool. You'll hear from me again later tonight when POTUS is scheduled to return to the White House.

June 29, 2023

in-town pool report #5

from the WH:

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will gaggle aboard Air Force One at 1:50pm.

June 29, 2023

in-town pool report #6 - gaggle

Karine Jean Pierre gaggled on AF1 enroute to NYC.

No big news. Here are some highlights:

  • said the depts. of education and justice would offer guidance to colleges and universities about the legal status of admissions, etc. within the next 45 days. the dept. of ed will host a "national summit" next month.
  • said there was nothing new to announce about the report on supreme court reform that the president commissioned earlier in his tenure. She denied that it was "sitting on the shelf" but said there was nothing to announce and praised the people who worked on it.
  • on the president's use of a CPAP machine, said it was for better sleep but refused to say whether he had been feeling tired. "I'm not going to get into how the president is feeling."
  • on his use of the smaller stairs to get on and off AF1, declined to say why they are being used and stressed that POTUS is an active president, noting his trip to Ukraine.
  • asked about who was paying for the trip to NYC, said it was a "mixed" trip with public and campaign events. she said the interview on msnbc was an official event designed to allow the president to communicate with the public.

The transcript should be out shortly.

June 29, 2023

In-town pool report #7 - White House arrival / lid

POTUS landed in Marine One on the South Lawn at 10:19 pm and quickly walked into the White House residence, ending today's trip to NYC.

POTUS did not stop to take questions.

The White House has called a lid.

Have a good night everyone.

Pool Reports below by Courtney Subramanian, Los Angeles Times

Sent: Reports:
June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #1 - Checking in

Hello from Joint Base Andrews. I'm your print pooler for the president's trip to New York today. It's a hazy 79 degrees (courtesy of the Canadian wildfires). Similar weather expected in NYC. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will gaggle aboard AF1. You can stream it here:

Here's the schedule for today:

12:30 PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on the Supreme Court's decision on affirmative action
Roosevelt Room
In-House Pool (Gather 12:20 PM – Brady Press Briefing Room)

12:45 PM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews
South Lawn
Open Press (Gather12:35 PM– Palm Room Doors)

1:05 PM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route to Queens, New York
Joint Base Andrews
Out-of-Town Pool

2:00 PM THE PRESIDENT arrives in Queens, New York
John F. Kennedy International Airport, Queens, New York
Open Press

2:10 PM THE PRESIDENT departs Queens, New York, en route to New York, New York
John F. Kennedy International Airport, Queens, New York
Out-of-Town Pool

2:25 PM THE PRESIDENT arrives in New York, New York
Wall Street Landing Zone, New York, New York
Out-of-Town Pool

4:00 PM THE PRESIDENT joins Nicolle Wallace of MSNBC for a live interview
30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, New York

5:30 PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a campaign reception
New York, New York
Restricted Out-of-Town Pool

7:40 PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a campaign reception
New York, New York
Restricted Out-of-Town Pool

9:05 PM THE PRESIDENT departs New York, New York en route to Queens, New York
Wall Street Landing Zone, New York, New York
Out-of-Town Pool

9:30 PM THE PRESIDENT departs Queens, New York en route to Joint Base Andrews
John F. Kennedy International Airport, Queens, New York
Out-of-Town Pool

10:40 PM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House
Joint Base Andrews
Out-of-Town Pool

10:50 PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House
South Lawn
Open Press (Gather10:40 PM– Palm Room Doors)

Briefing Schedule


Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Queens, New York

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #2 - Wheels up shortly

M1 landed at 1:15 pm ET.

POTUS briefly leaned over to speak to the pilots before he stepped off M1 and walked over to AF1.

He waved to press but did not stop to take questions. He boarded at 1:19pm ET.

We are wheels up for JFK airport shortly.

Per WH:

Traveling with the President aboard Air Force One en route to John F. Kennedy International Airport:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Press Secretary
Emmy Ruiz, Assistant to the President & Director of the Office of Political Strategy & Outreach
Ben LaBolt, Assistant to the President & Director of Communications
Curtis Ried, Deputy Assistant to the President & NSC Chief of Staff & Executive Secretary
Ashley Williams, Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of Oval Office Operations
Travis Dredd, Special Assistant to the President & Trip Director
Sheila Grant, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Presidential Speechwriter

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #3 - NYC arrival

AF1 was wheels up at 1:30 pm ET and wheels down 2:08 pm ET.

Biden stepped off AF1 at 2:18 pm. He waved to press and walked directly over to board Marine One.

Thanks to great in-town pooler Mike Shear for the summary of Karine's gaggle.

Pool is loaded in an osprey and we're lifting shortly for the Wall Street Landinf Zone.

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to Wall St. Landing Zone:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Press Secretary

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #4 - Wall Street arrival

Pool's osprey landed at 2:32pm ET after a short lift from JFK.

Marine One landed at 2:38 ET. Pool watched M1 land but was escorted to the vans before POTUS stepped off and got into the Beast.

We're now rolling for Rockefeller Plaza at 2:45 pm ET.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #5 - Rockefeller Plaza arrival

The motorcade arrived at Rockefeller Plaza at 3:04pm after a mostly uneventful ride along the east side and through the city. Hundreds of onlookers lined the streets and filmed as we drove by.

Pool saw a "Ukraine in NATO now" on the walk from the motorcade to 30 Rock.

Your pooler did not see POTUS exit the Beast. We're now holding in the Peacock Lounge on the second floor.

Per WH:

Traveling with the President via motorcade en route to 30 Rockerfeller Plaza, New York, New York:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Press Secretary
Emmy Ruiz, Assistant to the President & Director of the Office of Political Strategy & Outreach
Ben LaBolt, Assistant to the President & Director of Communications
Curtis Ried, Deputy Assistant to the President & NSC Chief of Staff & Executive Secretary
Ashley Williams, Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of Oval Office Operations
Travis Dredd, Special Assistant to the President & Trip Director
Sheila Grant, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Presidential Speechwriter

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #6 - Biden MSNBC interview

Pool is still holding in the lounge. POTUS' interview on MSNBC began at 4pm ET.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #7 - Interview ends / rolling

POTUS' interview with MSNBC's Nicole Wallace began at 4pm ET and ended at 4:19 pm ET.

Some quotes (please check against the transcript):

On his earlier comments at the White House that the Supreme Court is "not normal," Biden said: "What I meant was that it's done more to unravel basic rights and basic decisions than any court in recent history. And that's what I meant by not normal."

On whether the court would cause too much harm, Biden said: "I think they may do too much harm. But I think if start the process of trying to expand the court, we're going to politicize it, maybe forever-- that's not healthy. That we can't get back."

He also said that "some of the court are beginning to realize their legitimacy is being questioned in ways that hadn't been questioned in the past."

He said he's spoken to reporters who say they don't have editors and they're pressured to have a brand.

POTUS also said there are good Republicans still left in the Senate. When asked to name them, Biden said Mitt Romney. He also said since he took office, six senators have told him they agree with him but would lose their primary if they said that publicly.

Pool was escorted back to the vans to hold for POTUS.

We're now rolling at 4:30 pm ET.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #8 - Fundraiser arrival

Hundreds of onlookers were still positioned outside as the motorcade left Midtown.

The motorcade got back on FDR drive and headed north before we crossed Central Park to the Upper West Side. We arrived on W 91st at 4:45 pm ET.

Pool did not see POTUS exit the Beast.

We're being escorted inside the event. Pool is working to get details on the host.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #9 - DNC event #1

Pool held in an art deco lobby before we were taken up to the 26th floor.

On behalf of the Biden-Harris campaign:

President Biden's first fundraiser this evening is at the New York City home of Lise Strickler and Mark Gallogly and is in support of the Biden Action Fund.

Speaking program:

Mark Gallogly
President Biden

Pool is holding in a bedroom that appears to have been converted to a workout room. A Peleton bike was perched in the corner near a set of weights. Workout instructions hung on a cork board and a medicine ball was tucked into a fireplace that's been repurposed for storage.

We're now holding. We have very spotty service but I will send more from the event as soon as I can.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #10 - More from DNC event #1

Pool was escorted downstairs inside the apartment to a living room where more than 25 guests were seated in chairs and on couches positioned around a circular silver coffee table. A podium was set up facing the crowd.

Lots of modern art displayed throughout the apartment. A table at the back of the room featured towers of tea sandwiches, mini quiches and fruit tarts.

WH senior advisor Steve Ricchetti briefly said hi to the pool while we waited for POTUS. Anita Dunn appeared before the President entered with host Mark Gallogly.

POTUS sat down in a chair to the right of the podium. Gallogly began speaking at 5:27pm by introducing the group as the climate leaders group. He thanked Biden for keeping his promises on climate advocacy and climate legislation but said the work was not done. ?**Please check quotes against the transcript.

He said this group of climate leaders is proud to wholeheartedly support Biden's re-election, introducing the president as, "the essential man, our climate President Joe Biden."

"I'm not an essential man but I represent the essential country," POTUS said.

He said the his first act as president was rejoin the Paris climate accords. He recalled meeting Putin in Geneva before he invaded Ukraine and said he tried to convince him they could work together on climate. Putin said he did not have a climate problem in Russia.

He spoke about his lunch with Obama earlier this week, saying the former president is "helping out a lot." He said every time he hears "Hail to the Chief," he turns around to look for Obama.

POTUS repeated the story of him telling other major leaders of NATO and Europe that America is back. They asked, "how long?" He said one of the four major leaders asked him about what he would think if he picked up the London Times tomorrow and saw that people tried to stop the election of the prime minister. He said it made him realize how profound what is happening in the US is to the rest of the world.

He said his granddaughter is traveling around the world to work on the climate stuff. He spoke about developing an economic climate plan during the Obama administration and mentioned how Trump thought windmills caused cancer. The crowd laughed as he gestured the sign of the cross.

POTUS touted the climate provisions of the IRA and his administrations push for electric vehicles.

He concluded his remarks by emphasizing how much he needs this group of donors to help Democrats retake Congress.

"I need the Congress," he said in his trademark whisper. He said Dems woud win back the House but he needed the Senate. He conceded it would be harder to keep the Senate but they would do it.

Pool was escorted out at 5:46pm as POTUS began taking questions. Pool was ushered into an entry hall by the elevators where a framed signed photo of Biden and VP Harris was displayed. Small letter blocks spelled out "We <3 Joe Biden."

We're now holding in the vans outside the building.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #11 - DNC event #2 arrival

The motorcade was rolling for the second fundraiser of the night at 6:31pm ET.

We crossed the park again and headed south on FDR Drive back to Midtown. Crowds of people were still out along the route to watch as the motorcade drove by.

The motorcade arrived at 6:45pm ET.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #12 - The Pool Lounge

Pool was escorted a block south to The Pool Lounge on E 52nd and Lexington.

Your pooler did not see POTUS exit the motorcade. We were escorted through a back corridor to a downstairs office. We're holding here before POTUS' next fundraiser.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #13 - POTUS remarks at The Pool

On behalf of the Biden-Harris campaign:

President Biden's second fundraiser this evening in New York City will take place at The Pool and is in support of the Biden Victory Fund

Speaking Program

Blair Effron
The President Pool was escorted upstairs to a cocktail area where Housewife Bethenny Frankel was married, according to our advance staff. Staff were setting up a dessert bar that included an array of doughnut flavors: chocolate blackout (with gold leaf), blueberry, crème brûlée and key lime.

Pool was brought into a small event space off the cocktail area with about 50 people seated in rows.

POTUS entered the room at 7:30. Effron spoke first, telling POTUS "everyone understands the stakes in 2024 and that the outcome and the consequences election greater than ever."

He said democracy should never be a word that we don't prize.

He thanked POTUS for bringing fact-based analysis and dignity, grace and grit to the White House.

Biden started speaking at 7:33pm ET.

Talked about the primary before South Carolina and said he was told everything was looking "bleak." He gestured to the crowd and said: "And without even And without even asking, you guys stepped up and you saved me. You really did.asking, you guys stepped up and you saved me. You really did."

He said their personal status and stature gives them credibility and he thanked them for stepping up.

He thanked NY Gov. Kathy Hochul who was seated on the left.

"You've done a hell of a job as the governor of New York," he said to her.

He said the good governors of Florida and Texas are not helpful, before he told her border crossings were down.

"I have a lot of assets in my campaign, but none more consequential than Jeffrey Katzenberg," he said. Katzenberg was also seated in the second row behind Hochul. He said he was proud to call everyone sponsoring the event a friend.

"There's so much at stake," he said. "The alternative is a little bit scary," he added, listing off GOP efforts to ban books, curtail voting rights and limit contraception access. He also called out the conservative Supreme Court.

"But I think that I have faith because I really think the vast majority of American people are decent, honorable and good. And they just have to get the facts."

He spoke about his speech in Chicago on Bidenomics. He said at a Roundtable he was asked why he talks about education and universal preschool. He said because we need a better educated workforce.

"I think there's beginning to be a bit of a sea change," he said of corporate America's embrace of his education policies.

He said historian Jon Meacham told him he's passed more legislation than any president since FDR.

He talked about his bipartisan efforts and repeated his line, "this is not your father's Republican Party."

"This is a different breed of cat," he said, adding: "But there's still a lot of really honorable, decent Republican senators and congressmen."

Biden told the crowd of how a "former football coach" who "was a better football coach than a senator" voted against the infrastructure law and then touted the broadband money his state was receiving. He of course was referring to Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alambama.

"He voted against it. So I'm going to be down there for the groundbreaking," he said as the crowd laughed.

He also referred to Marjorie Taylor Greene (but not by name) as the "gentle lady from Georgia" who voted against him and wants to impeach him but who's district will benefit from his policies.

He talked about his efforts to reform drug-pricing, deficit reduction and expand gun safety laws.

We have to eliminate assault weapons, Biden said.

He then switched to the Supreme Court and the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

He said "that's why you gotta help Kathy elect... Democratic House of Representstives."

Biden said they need to help him tell the American people what they've done and that's what they can do to help him fund the next 16 months.

POTUS finished speaking at 7:57pm.

**please remember to check quotes again the transcript.

Former WH senior comms aide Meghan Hays came over to say hi to press.

Spotted in the crowd: Hochul, Katzenberg, Peter Orszag, John Gray, Roger Altman

We're holding in the basement office again.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #14- Rolling

Pool was escorted back to the press vans one block over from the restaurant.

On the walk to the vans, a man walked along the barrier and shouted, "we need Donald Trump back!"

We're rolling for the Wall St. Landing Zone at 8:26 pm ET.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #15 - Wall St Landing Zone arrival

The motorcade arrived back at the Wall St Landing Zone at 8:43pm ET.

Pool was hustled toward the osprey but saw POTUS exit the Beast at 8:47 pm before he boarded Marine One.

M1 lifted at 8:51pm. We boarded the osprey and we're lifting for JFK.

Per WH:

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to John F. Kennedy International Airport:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Press Secretary

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #16 - JFK departure

M1 touched down at 9:06pm ET.

POTUS stepped off M1 and waved to press before boarding at 9:10pm ET. He did not stop to talk.

We are wheels up shortly for JBA.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #16a - Manifest

Traveling with the President aboard Air Force One en route to Joint Base Andrews:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Press Secretary
Emmy Ruiz, Assistant to the President & Director of the Office of Political Strategy & Outreach
Ben LaBolt, Assistant to the President & Director of Communications
Curtis Ried, Deputy Assistant to the President & NSC Chief of Staff & Executive Secretary
Ashley Williams, Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of Oval Office Operations
Travis Dredd, Special Assistant to the President & Trip Director
Sheila Grant, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Presidential Speechwriter

June 29, 2023

Travel report #17 - Wheels down at JBA

Air Force Once was wheels up at 9:20 pm ET and wheels down at 9:54 pm ET.

It was a bumpy landing. No visits to the back of the plane.

June 29, 2023

Travel pool report #18- Marine One departure

POTUS deplaned at 10:03 pm ET. He didn't stop to talk to press and walked directly to Marine One. He boarded a minute later.

M1 lifted at 10:10pm.

A big thanks to co-pooler Cleve Wootson for the assist today.

Handing off to in-town pool.

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to the White House:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Press Secretary

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Pool Reports of June 29, 2023 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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