Pool Reports by Tom Benning, The Dallas Morning News
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March 5, 2020 13:00 |
In-town pool report #1 -- Lunch lid until 2 p.m. A lunch lid has been called until 2 p.m. |
March 5, 2020 16:25 |
In-town pool report #2 -- POTUS takes no questions on South Lawn POTUS exited the West Wing at 4:21 p.m. to overcast skies. He walked past the press gathered on the South Lawn and didn't stop to take questions. He boarded Marine One at 4:23 pm. Standing by for departure. |
March 5, 2020 16:27 |
In-town pool report #3 -- Marine One departs Marine One lifted off at 4:26 pm. Handing off to travel pool. |
Pool Reports below by Rebecca Ballhaus, The Wall Street Journal
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March 5, 2020 16:42 |
Travel Pool Report 1 - JBA arrival Marine One touched down at JBA at 4:37 p.m. POTUS walked off wearing a dark overcoat and red tie. He waved at thepool before boarding AF1. Dan Scavino, Kellyanne Conway and Stephen Miller also boarded the plane. Fox News was playing in the front cabin, showing Bret Baier previewingpotus's town hall tonight and Elizabeth Warren talking to reportersafter she suspended her campaign. Pool spotted David Urban and Sen. Pat Toomey on the plane before potus arrived. We are wheels up shortly for the quick flight to Wilkes-Barre ScrantonInternational Airport for POTUS's Fox News town hall tonight. |
March 5, 2020 17:39 |
Travel Pool 2 - Scranton arrival AF1 was wheels down at Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport at 5:24 p.m. after a short and uneventful flight. A crowd of supporters, some wearing MAGA caps, was waiting on the tarmac. POTUS deboarded the plane at 5:37 with Toomey and a couple others behind him. Per the White House, greeting the president were: Lou BarlettaFormer United States Representative from PennsylvaniaTom MarinoFormer United States Representative from PennsylvaniaPOTUS waved at the supporters but didn't go over to greet them. He entered the Beast and motorcade will be rolling shortly for the Scranton Cultural Center, where tonight's town hall will be held. |
March 5, 2020 17:58 |
Travel Pool 3 - arrival at town hall Motorcade arrived at the Scranton Cultural Center at 5:53 p.m. after abrief drive. Motorcade passed a slew of protesters holding signs that read "Dumptrump" and "Weld 2020." A handful of protesters held miniature Trumpbaby balloons. One electronic sign read"Scranton is Joe Biden country." Closer to the event hall were somesupporters holding a big Trump/Pence sign. Pool now entering the event hall. |
March 5, 2020 18:34 |
Travel pool 4 - Town hall starting Fox News' Martha MacCallum took the stage at 6:23 and asked the audience to be respectful during the event. Bret Baier took the stage a few minutes later and again urged attendees to listen respectfully. "We want you to have fun, we want you to applaud, but this is different than a rally," he said. Potus took the stage at 6:32 to loud applause and a standing ovation. He is seated in a tall white chair across from Baier and MacCallum on a red-carpeted stage, with several dozen people seated behind them. He and Baier are both dressed in dark suits with red ties. There are about 600 people here, we're told. The hall is ornate, with large chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and intricate wallpaper featuring drawings of lions, dragons and birds, and has a fairly intimate feeling. Earlier, Kellyanne Conway and David Urban, who was a senior adviser to the Trump campaign in Pennsylvania in 2016, walked into the room and got a round of applause from the audience, most of whom stood to take photos. "Thanks for taking care of our president, Kellyanne," one person shouted. From where pool is holding in a second floor balcony, we couldn't see or hear what she responded. People lined up to take photos with her. The town hall is airing live on Fox News. |
March 5, 2020 19:27 |
Travel pool report 5 - Town hall wraps The town hall wrapped after an hour at 7:30 p.m. Potus got questions about his campaign rhetoric, North Korea, environmental regulations, the national debt and a host of other issues. During the first commercial break, the audience chanted "four more years" and Potus waved at them before leaving the stage. The audience gave him a standing ovation again when he returned to the stage minutes later. One person shouted "Thank you Mr. President!" Another shouted "We love you!" During subsequent commercial breaks the audience again applauded when he left the stage and returned to it. Pool is now heading to the motorcade and we will be rolling shortly back to Wilkes-Barr Scranton International Airport. |
March 5, 2020 20:01 |
Travel Pool Report 6 - airport arrival Motorcade was rolling at 7:44 p.m. Pool did not see potus exit theevent hall. We passed several onlookers taking pictures with theirphones, protesters holding signs including "Stop interfering with thejustice department" and supporters holding Trump/Pence signs on theway out of Scranton. Ride was uneventful aside from a brief if bumpyencounter between a lane barrier and a pool van. Motorcade arrived at the airport at 7:59 p.m. POTUS boarded and we arewheels up shortly for the quick flight back to JBA. |
March 5, 2020 20:59 |
Travel Pool Report 7 - JBA arrival AF1 was wheels down at JBA at 8:44 p.m. Toward the end of the flightPOTUS came back to chat with pool off the record for about 10 minutes. POTUS disembarked at 8:55 p.m. and walked over to Marine One. He waswheels up at 8:59 p.m. Handing off to in-town pool. Have a good evening. |
Pool Reports below by Paul Cobler, The Dallas Morning News
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March 5, 2020 21:20 |
In-town pool report #4 -- Arrival & travel/photo lid Marine One touched down on a chilly south lawn at 9:11 p.m. The president disembarked and waved to the gathered pool. He did not answer any questions as he entered the White House at 9:15 p.m. A travel/photo lid was called at 9:16 p.m. Have a great night! |
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Pool Reports of March 5, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/350216