Pool Reports by David Smith, The Guardian
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November 7, 2022 10:25 |
WH in-town pool report #1/ POTUS broadcast interviews Greetings everyone on a warm November day. This is from the White House press office: 'Yesterday, President Biden taped interviews with Reverend Al Sharpton, which will air on Keepin’ It Real with Rev. Al Sharpton today in the 1pm ET hour, and Willie Moore Jr. on the Willie Moore Jr. Show, which will air this afternoon in the 5pm ET hour. The President discussed what the Biden-Harris Administration has delivered to the Black community in less than two years: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/11/06/the-biden-harris-administration-advances-equity-and-opportunity-for-black-americans-and-communities-across-the-country/' The daily guidance says that POTUS participates in virtual receptions for the Democratic National Committee at 4pm, departs the White House at 5.45pm, participates in a rally for gubernatorial candidate Wes Moore and the Democratic Party in Bowie, Maryland at 7pm and arrives back at the White House at 8.35pm. |
November 7, 2022 13:47 |
WH in-town pool report 2/ Briefing delayed to 2pm From the White House press office: 'The Press Briefing will now start at 2pm.' |
November 7, 2022 14:18 |
WH in-town pool report #3/ Two minute warning We have a two minute warning for the press briefing. |
November 7, 2022 14:23 |
WH in-town pool report #4/ Briefing begins The White House press briefing began at 2.21pm. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre started by talking about government aid to Florida following Hurricane Ian. Livestream here: |
November 7, 2022 15:21 |
WH in-town pool report #5/ Briefing ends The press briefing finished at 3.19pm. |
November 7, 2022 16:11 |
WH in-town pool report #6/ POTUS remarks at first DNC virtual reception POTUS spoke at a virtual reception for the Democratic National Committee at 3.46pm. Pool joined via Zoom but it was audio only. POTUS said: "I'm on mute - can you hear me now? All right. Well, thank you very much, Jamie, for that introduction and your leadership at DNC. "Look, to all of you, thank you for leading our state parties. I've been all over the country as well and I tell you what, your heart and soul have been put into this effort. And you can feel it. You can really feel it. I just feel optimistic. "I don't want to take too much of your time but we still got a lot of work to do to get out that vote. But no matter what happens tomorrow, I want to thank you and let you know how grateful I am to you. "You helped get me and Kamala elected in 2020 and we're going to surprise the living devil out of people because of all the work you've done. You've helped generate support for our agenda for the past 20 months and then some of the most consequential things we've ever accomplished with the narrowest of margins. "I kid with Kamala, every time she voted, we win - we have 50-50 in the Senate. And we won a lot. You represent everything about our party and the reason why I got into politics in the first place, to get us through the pandemic, take on the powerful special interests and give working people in the middle class a chance. We finally took on Big Pharma and beat them. I've been fighting for that for a long time. "Protect climate with American jobs and ingenuity to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms. Nobody, even mainstream Republicans are no longer talking about, is there a climate crisis? They've seen what's happened just in the last six, eight, 10 months around the country. "And look, you also worked like the devil to protect the climate but beyond that, American jobs and American ingenuity, protect the fundamental rights and freedoms we have as Americans, which are very much in jeopardy if these Maga Republicans take over. "You're bringing people in the political process, making sure that democracy delivers. That's what a Democrat is all about. Not the power for power's sake but the power to do good for the country. That sounds self-serving about us, but it's true: the power to do good for the country. "As I say, the super wealthy don't need us but the working folks need us. Serious people, we're doing God's work out here. And what you've done with this midterm cycle, I think is literally incredible. Getting voters registered, getting the early vote out, getting them fully engaged and it matters, it matters. "You know, one more night, probably another 30 hours nationwide between now and where we are till the last vote is cast. One more night to do everything we can to win it and to keep it going. Look, if we're able to hold on, we're going to be in incredible shape. Imagine what we can do in a second term. If we maintain control. I know that sounds like a very high expectation, but I think - anyway, I'm optimistic. "I want to remind you to remind your teams, with so much at stake for our nation, don't leave a thing - put it all out there. Go full bore till the last poll closes. Make that extra call - not a joke. Knock on that extra door. Most of all, keep the faith. Remind the folks that the power is in their hands. "This is not a referendum, this is a choice, and the more people we get out to vote, we win. We win. So let's go win. Let's get everybody we possibly can to vote. Get 'em to the polls. I want to thank you and God bless you all for all you've done because it truly matters. And may God protect our troops. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." |
November 7, 2022 16:42 |
WH in-town pool report #7/ POTUS remarks at second DNC virtual reception POTUS spoke at another virtual reception for the Democratic National Committee at 4.07pm. Pool joined via Zoom but it was audio only. At one point POTUS criticised Republicans, saying: "We're up against some of the darkest forces we've ever seen in our history. These Maga Republicans are a different breed of cat. This is not your father's Republican party. It's a different deal." Full remarks below: "Jamie, thank you, pal. You know, that introduction is a little over the top for me, but I tell you what, it's not for your leadership. And Chris, you've done a hell of a job, pal. You have really done one incredible job. And thank you for leading in our finance effort. And the fact that you Virginia McGregor from Scranton with you - that helped a little bit, too. "Anyway, look, I just went through the numbers - let me say that as well; I know you just said it - because I know how hard it is to raise a total of $292 million this cycle. I want you to know how grateful I am, how much it matters to everyone, how much it matters to our chances. And I want you to know that, you know, you helped get me and Kamala elected in 2020, and you raised a lot of money for us as well. "But you helped generate support for our agenda during the last almost two years. You kept us going. You helped generate so much. We got some really big things done and some of the most consequential things ever accomplished by the narrowest of margins. A 50-50 Senate - I told Kamala, every time she votes, she wins. And she does. "And so we have a shot at keeping the Senate and increasing it and I'm optimistic about the House as well. You know, you guys represent everything that's good about our party. The reason why we got into politics in the first place. We got involved in politics in the first place to help people. We helped them get through the pandemic, helped them deal with the crises they all face, helped them with their health care, helped them across the board to take on powerful special interests, particularly Pharma. You know, I've been doing this for a long time. We finally beat Pharma because of your help. "You know, we take on powerful special interests, working to give the middle class just a shot, just an even chance. As my dad used to say, I don't expect the government to solve my problem but at least I expect them to understand my problem. So here's what we did. We went out there. We took on those interests. We gave the middle class a fighting chance. "We've got a lot more to do: protect the climate, American jobs and ingenuity. We passed the biggest climate bill ever, ever in American history, almost $400 billion. It matters. It matters. It's just beginning to take hold. We did everything from - anyway, I won't get into everything we got done. "But we also, most importantly, I think, fought to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms that bring people into the political process and make sure this democracy delivers. That's what being a Democrat is all about. It's not about power for power's sake. It's about getting power to work for people who need a little bit of help. Just a shot. My dad used to say, just a shot, just a little bit of breathing room. And that's what being a Democrat's all about. "Again, not power for power's sake but power for the good of the country. You know, I know it's not easy. We're up against some of the darkest forces we've ever seen in our history. These Maga Republicans are a different breed of cat. This is not your father's Republican party. It's a different deal. That's why what you did is so important. "Because we're in this election when history suggests we shouldn't be. We should be being blown away. With your support, we've been able to get voters registered, get them to vote early, get them fully engaged, get them excited, and make 'em understand that this matters. It matters so much. We've got one more night to do everything we can to win, another probably 30 hours between the last poll close. So let's go win this thing. "And no matter what happens tomorrow, we need you in the path ahead. We really do. We're just getting started. We're just getting started and we have so much more we can do and to be proud of. So once again, thank you, thank you, thank you. You know, you're an incredible group of people and the way you've gone out there and never let a moment go by without making our case is just incredible. So I want to thank you again, God bless you all and may God protect our troops. "And by the way, you heard me say a thousand times, as my Grandpa Finnegan used to say when I walked out the door, 'Joey, keep the faith.' And my grandmother: 'No, Joey, spread it.' You're spreading the faith. It really matters to our democracy and the rest of the world looking to us as well. Not just folks at home, the rest of the world, and you're allowing us to do it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." |
November 7, 2022 17:35 |
WH in-town pool report #8/ Pool gathers Pool has gathered at the Palm Room doors ahead of POTUS’s departure to a rally in Maryland. |
November 7, 2022 17:48 |
WH in-town pool report #9/ POTUS departs without taking questions POTUS and FLOTUS walked out of the south portico at 5.41pm. POTUS gave a thumbs up. General consensus among the press corps, partly based on lip reading video, is he said: "It's gonna be a good night." He did not respond to shouted questions. Marine One lifted off at 5.46pm. |
November 7, 2022 17:56 |
WH in-town pool report #10/ Travelling with POTUS From the White House press office: 'Traveling with the President and the First Lady aboard Marine One en route Beltsville, Maryland: Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff |
November 7, 2022 18:11 |
WH in-town pool report #11/ POTUS interview on Hispanic radio show From the White House press office: 'Today, President Biden taped an interview with Oswaldo Diaz from Erazno y La Chokolata, a nationally syndicated Hispanic radio show, which will air this evening in the 7PM ET/4PM PT hour.' |
November 7, 2022 20:25 |
WH in-town pool report #12/ Pool gathers Pool has gathered at the Palm Room doors ahead of POTUS’s return from a rally in Maryland. |
November 7, 2022 20:39 |
WH in-town pool report #13/ POTUS back at White House Marine One touched down on the south lawn at 8.39pm. |
November 7, 2022 20:58 |
WH in-town pool report #14/ POTUS "optimistic" about midterms POTUS and FLOTUS disembarked Marine One at 8.42pm. POTUS was carrying his jacket over his arm and holding hands with FLOTUS. He walked over to reporters outside the south portico. Jeff Mason of Reuters asked: "How are you feeling about tomorrow, sir?" POTUS replied: "Well, I'm feeling - I'm optimistic. But I'm always optimistic." Your pooler asked: "Can Democrats win the House?" POTUS replied: "I think it's going to be tough but I think we can. I think we'll win the Senate. I think the House is tougher." Jeff Mason asked: "What do you think awaits you if it is a Republican-controlled Congress? What's your new reality going to be like in Washington? POTUS replied: "More difficult." POTUS then departed and did not take more questions. |
November 7, 2022 21:01 |
WH in-town pool report #15/ Lid A travel/ photo lid was called at 8.53pm. |
Pool Reports below by Emily Goodin, Daily Mail
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November 7, 2022 18:10 |
WH travel pool #1 - Marine One arrival Marine One was wheels down at the Beltsville Landing Zone at 5:59 pm. POTUS and FLOTUS disembarked at 6:02 pm. Pool was not close enough to shout questions. The sun has set but a full moon shone over the landing zone. At 6:05 pm motorcade is rolling to Bowie State University. Traveling with the President and the First Lady aboard Marine One en route Beltsville, Maryland: Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff |
November 7, 2022 18:20 |
WH travel pool #2 - Bowie State University arrival Motorcade arrived at Bowie State University at 6:15 pm. There was a group of supporters waving signs for Republican gubernatorial nominee Dan Cox at the university entrance. Motorcade arrived at the Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex at 6:19 pm. Pool did not see POTUS exit motorcade. |
November 7, 2022 18:41 |
WH travel pool #3 - rally venue Rally is taking place at Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex. POTUS and FLOTUS are doing a photo line ahead of remarks. (See list below) Venue is packed and crowd has been cheering the early speeches from various Maryland Democrats. The stage is set up so there is a small seating section behind it. A giant sign reading "BUILDING A BETTER AMERICA" is the backdrop. American flags are on either side of the stage. Signs in the crowd behind the podium include Vote, Van Hollen, USA, Union Strong and Wes Moore. Rally is being aired by our friends at C-SPAN so pooler will only be sending color: >https://www.c-span.org/< From White House: The President and the First Lady are participating in a rally for gubernatorial candidate Wes Moore and the Democratic Party. Attendees Pre-Program Participating in a photoline with the President and the First Lady at Bowie State University: Senator Ben Cardin (MD) |
November 7, 2022 19:09 |
WH travel pool #4 - POTUS takes the stage POTUS and FLOTUS came on the stage at 7:07 pm to "Higher Love." FLOTUS, wearing a bright pink blazer, speaking first. She hugged Wes Moore. The crowd shouted "BSU" when she said she was felt at home on a college campus. While there was a break in the speaking program the university cheerleaders, seated in an upper section of bleachers, led a cheer. It was hard to make out the words over the loud music. But the crowd kept the energy up, turning on their mobile phone lights and waving them back and forth. Reminder this is airing on C-SPAN: https://www.c-span.org/ |
November 7, 2022 19:40 |
WH travel pool #5 - two hecklers removed A heckler was removed at 7:29 pm. A white male in a green shirt and glasses, at the very back of the gym and on upper level of bleachers, began shouting shortly after POTUS began speaking. It was hard to make out all he said but he did say: "You're a disgrace." It's unclear if POTUS was aware of the heckler as heckler was in back and behind press risers. POTUS kept talking and the crowd around the heckler was cheering loudly to drown heckler out. Staff ran up to the second level to talk to heckler, who was escorted out. A second heckler, a white male in a top hat, began at 7:35 pm. This one was on the second level of bleachers to POTUS's left in clear view of stage. Crowd again shouted but POTUS addressed this one: "Don't jump. You look crazy enough to jump." Second heckler was escorted out. POTUS began speaking at 7:27 pm. "Let's go Joe," the crowd shouted when Wes Moore introduced him. FLOTUS gave POTUS a kiss. POTUS hugged Moore and Sen. Van Hollen. Crowd roared when POTUS took off his suit jacket. |
November 7, 2022 19:45 |
WH travel pool #6 - third heckler A third heckler was removed at 7:41 pm. This was a white male on the second level to POTUS’ left. Heckler was halfway back in the gym. Unclear if POTUS noticed. Crowd quickly shouted heckler down. Hard to hear what heckler said but something about Russia. Heckler was escorted out. |
November 7, 2022 19:55 |
WH travel pool #7 - POTUS wraps POTUS wrapped his remarks at 7:47 pm. He was joined on stage by FLOTUS, Wes Moore and Senator Van Hollen. A marching band was playing the group off stage. POTUS is working the rope line as the band, which includes a drum line, plays. |
November 7, 2022 20:05 |
WH travel pool #8 - departing rally site. Motorcade left rally site at 8:04 pm. Pool didn’t see POTUS get into the beast. We are rolling back to Beltsville Landing Zone. |
November 7, 2022 20:26 |
WH travel pool #9 - landing zone arrival/Marine One departure Motorcade arrived at Beltsville Landing Zone at 8:19 pm. POTUS and FLOTUS boarded Marine One at 8:20 pm. It was hard to see them in the dark and pool was too far back to about questions. The full moon is still shining though. Marine One was wheels up at 8:24 pm. From White House regarding rally: The President delivered remarks to an audience of approximately 1700 people, comprised of grassroots supporters, Democratic Party staff, local electeds and members of the community. Traveling with the President and the First Lady aboard Marine One en route the White House: Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff Handing POTUS off to the in town pool… |
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Pool Reports of November 7, 2022 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/358761