Joe Biden

Pool Reports of October 22, 2024

October 22, 2024

Pool Reports by Cameron Joseph, The Christian Science Monitor

Sent: Reports:
October 22, 2024

In-Town Pool Report 1: Gathering for POTUS bilat

Good morning from the White House on a warm, sunny day. I'm your in-town print pooler.

We're gathered for President Biden's bilat with Slovenian PM Robert Golob in the Oval Office.

WH Wifi not working for me so on a hotspot.

October 22, 2024

In-town pool report 2: bilat start

Pool was brought in to the Oval at 11:47am. POTUS and Slovenian PM Golob

POTUS, wearing dark gray suit and red and blue striped tie, said he'd pushed 20 years ago to let Slovenia into NATO.

Thanked PM Golob for his role in recent US-Russian prisoner exchange.

"I want to thank you for your diplomacy... You made it possible. That's not hyperbole. You made it possible."

PM gave brief remarks. POTUS smiled tightly and ignored reporters' shouted questions. Pool escorted out at 11:51am. More quotes TK.

October 22, 2024

In-town pool 3: More full quotes from Oval and bilat meeting participants

POTUS spoke for just under two minutes. He was soft-spoken and it was hard to hear his comments at times. Pooler's recorded audio is too faint for full quotes, getting backup from the TV feed in a moment. Check these against transcript.

"We've seen it in the support for Ukraine, and we see it in our work to support democracy... in the Balkans. We see it [inaudible] this past summer when we secured the release of 16 people..."

"We made it clear to anyone who questions whether our allies matter... Mr. prime minister, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. We look forward to our discussion."

Slovenian PM's remarks coming from foreign pooler.

Bilat attendees from the White House:

The President is hosting a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Robert Golob of the Republic of Slovenia.

U.S. Delegation
T.H. Jake Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
T.H. Kurt Campbell, Deputy Secretary of State
T.H. Jennifer Daskal, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Homeland Security Advisor, National Security Council
T.H. Nicholas Berliner, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Director for Russia, National Security Council
Ms. Kathleen Larkin, Director for Central Europe and the Balkans, National Security Council

Slovenia Delegation
H.E. Iztok Mirošič, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the United States of America
Mr. Luka Spoljar, Head of Office of the Prime Minister
Mr. Vojko Volk, State Secretary for International Affairs and National and International Security
Ms. Petra Arsic, State Secretary for Strategic Communications
Ms. Darja Ferlez, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington

October 22, 2024

In-town pool 4: More complete quotes from Oval Bilat w/ Slovenian PM

Full quotes from better audio:

POTUS: "Mr. prime minister, welcome to the White House."
"I spent some time in Slovenia early on, and it's a beautiful, beautiful country. Twenty years ago, when I was United States Senator, I pushed very hard for their country's admission to NATO, as you know. Because I knew then what I know now: We're stronger, and [inaudible] when we stand together with good partners like you. We've seen it in support for the brave people of Ukraine as they defend themselves against Russia's aggression and we see it in our work to support democracy and prosperity across the western Balkans. We see it—we saw it earlier this past summer when we secured the release of 16 people including four Americans unjustly held in Russia. And I want to thank you for your diplomacy, thank your country for support, and your leadership and partnership—you made it possible. That's not hyperbole. You made it possible. Thank you. We made it clear to anyone who questions whether our allies matter. Well, they just look at what you did. They matter a great deal. Mr. Prime Minister, thank you, thank you, thank you."

The Slovenian PM:
"Mr. President, dear Joe, just a couple of words, and that is with little help of true friends, nothing is impossible. And I think that's really what our joint effort with the prisoner swap demonstrated to all of the world. And let's continue to work in true friendship and with a lot of friends."

POTUS: "Well, there's a lot we agree on. Welcome. Good to have you here."

Wranglers then began to repeatedly yell "thank you" forcefully and herd the pool out of the office. This lasted for roughly two minutes until pool was escorted from the Oval at 11:51am.

October 22, 2024

In-town pool report 5: departure

Pool was escorted out to the driveway at 1:03pm. Marine One was already on the ground. POTUS emerged from the Oval Office at 1:12pm wearing his signature aviator sunglasses and walked to Marine One alone, with staff including Neera Tanden, Karine Jeanne-Pierre and Annie Tomasini trailing behind him by a few dozen feet. He didn't stop to talk to reporters and never got within earshot. Marine One took off at 1:17pm.

Handing off to my colleague Sophie Hills for the out-of-town pool. See y'all for the return.

October 22, 2024

In-town pool 6: traveling with POTUS

From the White House:

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to Joint Base Andrews:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Press Secretary
Neera Tanden, Assistant to the President & Domestic Policy Advisor
Jacob Spreyer, Special Assistant to the President & Personal Aide to the President

October 22, 2024

In-town pool 7: Arrival at WH/lid

Marine One touched down back at the White House at 7:57pm. POTUS stepped out at 8pm and walked into the south portico. He did not stop to answer shouted questions from the pool on the "lock him up" comments he made earlier today about former President Trump. Wranglers called a lid at 8:03pm.


Pool Reports below by Marek Wałkuski, Polskie Radio

Sent: Reports:
October 22, 2024

Foreign pool report #1 - Background on PM Golob's visit

Good morning,

I'm your foreign pooler for President Biden's bilateral meeting with Prime Minister of Slovenia Robert Golob. The meeting in the Oval Office, scheduled for 11:30 AM, will be covered by the in-house pool. This will be the first visit to the White House by a Slovenian prime minister in 18 years.

White House Visit Follows Key Role in Prisoner Swap:

Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob's visit to the White House highlights Slovenia's instrumental role in the largest prisoner exchange since the Cold War. This exchange, which successfully brought home U.S. citizens held in Russian prisons, encountered a significant legal complication in Slovenia, where two Russian spies vital to the deal were detained. Without their release the entire agreement risked being derailed.

As reported by several U.S. media organizations, in July President Joe Biden, while still recovering from COVID-19 at his Delaware home, personally called Golob and asked him to move swiftly, ensuring that Slovenia's legal system could facilitate the release of the two Russian prisoners. Golob's quick action, coupled with behind-the-scenes negotiations led by U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, was critical in moving the complex prisoner swap forward, according to media reports. The deal culminated in the safe return of several Americans, including Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, from Russian prisons. Afterward, Biden thanked Golob and the Slovenian government for their contribution to the success of the agreement.


According to the White House, President Biden will underscore his appreciation for Prime Minister Golob's leadership to bring home Americans unjustly detained by Russia. The leaders will discuss energy security, the Western Balkans, support to Ukraine, and the Middle East.

Ahead of his trip to the U.S., Slovenia's PM visited wounded Palestinian children from Gaza being treated in Slovenia. Golob described their stories as upsetting, and said the situation in the Middle East will top his agenda during his talks with President Biden. The 10 young Palestinians, who were flown to Slovenia last week, are being treated at the Soča University Rehabilitation Institute in Ljubljana, per Radio Televizija Slovenija.

According to the Slovenian Prime Minister, the visit to the U.S. is "a reflection of the prestige Slovenia and its foreign policy have recently enjoyed".

Previous meetings:

Golob and Biden met several times in the past two years on the sidelines of multilateral meetings and spoke by phone before the prisoner swap between the West and Russia.

Prime Minister Golob is only the third Slovenian Prime Minister to visit the White House. The late Janez Drnovšek visited Bill Clinton in 1998 and George W. Bush in 2002. Janez Janša visited a Bush in 2006.

Most recently, Prime Minister Borut Pahor visited the White House in February 2011 to meet then US Vice-President Biden. During the visit President Barack Obama briefly joined both leaders.

Vice President Kamala Harris met with Prime Minister Robert Golob in Munich, Germany in February 2024.

Slovenia – U.S. relations:

The Republic of Slovenia is a country in southern Europe with a population of 2.1 million. Since 2004 Slovenia is a member of the European Union and NATO.

Slovenia and the United States have established diplomatic ties in 1992, following Slovenia's independence from Yugoslavia. Over the years, the two nations have collaborated on a wide range of bilateral and regional issues, per the U.S. Embassy in Slovenia.

One of the earliest examples of cooperation was Slovenia's assistance in deploying NATO peacekeeping forces to Bosnia after the 1995 Dayton Accords, which helped stabilize the region following the breakup of Yugoslavia.

Military cooperation between the two countries remains a key pillar of their relationship. The U.S. has worked closely with the Slovenian military to promote greater interoperability with NATO forces. Slovenia's peacekeeping troops contribute to global stability, particularly in the Western Balkans, per the State Department.

Robert Golob's bio:

57-years old Robert Golob is a Slovenian scientist, businessman and politician, serving as Prime Minister of Slovenia since 2022. Before entering politics, he was a leading Slovenian expert in power engineering. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, earning his doctorate in 1994. He later studied at the Georgia Institute of Technology under the Fulbright program.

Golob played a key role in Slovenia's EU accession talks as the head of the energy negotiation team in 1998 and served as State Secretary for Energy, helping draft major energy laws.

Golob entered politics in January 2022, becoming president of the Freedom Movement (Gibanje Svoboda) and leading the party to win almost 35% of the vote in the national elections.

Since autumn 2022, he has lived in Ljubljana with his partner Tina Gaber.

October 22, 2024

Foreign pool report #2 - Golob's arrival

Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob arrived at the West Wing entrance at 11:30 PM in a black SUV with U.S. and Slovenia flags.

Golob was greeted by the acting U.S. Chief of Protocol. He waved to the press, gave a thumbs up, and walked inside followed by the government delegation that includes the following officials:

- Iztok Mirošič, the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the U.S.,
- Luka Špoljar, the head of Office of the Prime Minister,
- Volk, State Secretary for International Affairs and National and International Security,
- Petra Aršič, State Secretary for Strategic Communication.

Golob will soon meet Biden in the Oval Office. The in-house pool and Slovenian reporters are gathering now in the briefing room.

Golob is not expected to come to the sticks after the meeting.

October 22, 2024 [APP Note: Report #3 does not exist or was not received by the APP.]
October 22, 2024

Foreign pool note #4 - Golob left the WH

The PM of Slovenia departed the White House at 1:00PM. Before he left the West Wing he was joined by his partner Tina Gaber, who got a private WH tour while her husband was meeting Biden.

She entered the West Wing 10 minutes before Golob's departure.

That's all from me. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Pool Reports below by Sophie Hills, The Christian Science Monitor

Sent: Reports:
October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #1 – JBA

Hello from Joint Base Andrews.

Marine One landed at 1:25. The president stepped off at 1:28, wearing his aviators, a dark grey suit, and a red and blue striped tie.

He waved to the press, saluted, and boarded Air Force One at 1:29. Staff including Karine Jean-Pierre boarded after him.

We are wheels up shortly for New Hampshire.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will gaggle during the flight.

From the White House:

Greeting the President on arrival to Joint Base Andrews:

Colonel Paul Pawluk, 89th Air Wing, Joint Base Andrews

Traveling with the President aboard Air Force One en route to Manchester-Boston Regional Airport:

Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Former Governor John Lynch (NH) and his spouse, Former First Lady Dr. Susan Lynch (NH)
Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Press Secretary
Neera Tanden, Assistant to the President & Domestic Policy Advisor
Ryan Montoya, Assistant to the President & Director of Scheduling & Advance
Ashley Williams, Deputy Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Strategic Outreach
John McCarthy, Deputy Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor for Political Engagement
Herbie Ziskend, Deputy Assistant to the President & Principal Deputy Director of Communications
Drew Wallace, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs & Senate Liaison
Terry Wolff, Special Assistant to the President & NSC Senior Director for the Middle East & North Africa
Aviva Feuerstein, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Presidential Speechwriter
Catherine Oakar, Special Assistant to the President for Community Public Health & Disparities
Jacob Spreyer, Special Assistant to the President & Personal Aide to the President

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #2 – NH Arrival

AF1 took off from JBA at 1:38 and landed at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport at 2:32.

The president deplaned at 2:46 and jogged to the greeters. He embraced people down the line, and made a surprised face at the granddaughter of former Gov. Lynch, Charlotte Williams, who was held by her mother. The president spoke with her and she held up two fingers, and he reacted with a smile. He then posed for a photo with the family, and then a couple others. He then spoke for a couple minutes with Lynch and his family. It looked like the governor and his wife are riding with yhe president.

POTUS got into the Beast at 2:52. The motorcade is rolling at 2:53.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre gaggled for about 13 minutes during the flight.

From the WH:

Greeting the President on arrival to Manchester-Boston Regional Airport:

Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH), her spouse, Bill Shaheen, and her daughter, Stefany Shaheen
Senator Maggie Hassan (NH)
Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02)
Rep. Chris Pappas (NH-01)
Former Governor John Lynch (NH), his spouse, Dr. Susan Lynch, his daughter, Julia Williams, and his grandchild, Charlotte Williams
Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Mayor Jay Ruais, Manchester, New Hampshire
Kathy Sullivan, Former Member, Nonpartisan New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #3 — NHTI Community College

The motorcade arrived at NHTI Community College at 3:23. Pool did not see the president get out of the Beast.

It was an uneventful drive, mostly on the highway, but beautiful because of the fall foliage. Outside the fence by the airport there were a couple Trump campaign signs. Near NHTI Community College there was a Harris Walz sign.

From the WH:

Traveling with the President via motorcade en route to NHTI Community College:

Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH)
Senator Maggie Hassan (NH)
Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02)
Former Governor John Lynch (NH), his spouse, Dr. Susan Lynch
Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Press Secretary
Ashley Williams, Deputy Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Strategic Outreach
John McCarthy, Deputy Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor for Political Engagement
Herbie Ziskend, Deputy Assistant to the President & Principal Deputy Director of Communications
Drew Wallace, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of the Office of Legislative Affairs & Senate Liaison
Terry Wolff, Special Assistant to the President & NSC Senior Director for the Middle East & North Africa
Aviva Feuerstein, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Presidential Speechwriter
Catherine Oakar, Special Assistant to the President for Community Public Health & Disparities
Jacob Spreyer, Special Assistant to the President & Personal Aide to the President

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #4 — Event begins

Senator Shaheen spoke first, and Senator Hassan is speaking now. The president is set to speak at the end — see speaking order below.

The event is in the gym. It's being streamed. There are dark blue curtains behind the stage, with a couple big signs reading 'President Joe Biden' and underneath, 'Lowering Prescription Drug Costs.' There's an American flag behind the podium, and another to the side. There were a little over 200 people (rough count) when the event started just after 3:30.

From the WH:

The President is delivering remarks on lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Speaking Program
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH)
Senator Maggie Hassan (NH)
Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02)
Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Mayor Byron Champlin, Concord, New Hampshire
Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)
The President

Participating in a photoline with the President:

Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH), her spouse, Bill Shaheen, and her daughter, Stefany Shaheen
Senator Maggie Hassan (NH)
Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)
Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02)
Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Former Governor John Lynch (NH), his spouse, Dr. Susan Lynch, his daughter, Julia Williams, and his grandchild
Ambassador Terry Shumaker, Former Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago
House Leader Matthew Wilhelm (NH-42)
Senate Leader Donna Soucy (NH-18)
State Senator Rebecca Whitley (NH-15) and her son, Jackson Whitley
State Senator Lou D'Allesandro (NH-20)
State Rep. Jim Mackay (NH-18)
Mayor Byron Champlin, Concord, New Hampshire
Chair Tara Reardon, Merrimack County, New Hampshire
John Broderick, Former Chief Justice of New Hampshire Supreme Court
Terie Norelli, Former House Speaker (NH-26)
Jim Demers, Former State Rep. (NH)

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #5 – Biden remarks

The president walked onstage at 4:15 and began speaking, after an introduction from Lauren Savage, from Concord, NH. He finished his remarks at 4:43. Sen. Sanders joined him onstage and they raised their clasped hands. Biden walked offstage at 4:44, followed by Sanders.


"Thank you, Joe," someone yelled, before he started speaking. Reminder that the event is streamed.

When the president was talking about the lower cost of prescription drugs elsewhere, he began a sentence to the audience: "I could put you on Air Force One and take you anywhere…." A number of people in the audience said "ok," and "let's go," and laughed.

The audience is seated in folding chairs. A couple people were wearing camo Harris Walz hats.

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #6 – Rolling

The motorcade is rolling from NHTI at 4:54 for a campaign office.

Pool didn't see POTUS enter the Beast.

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #7 – Campaign stop

The motorcade stopped at 4:59 in Concord.

On the way, people stood along the road waving and filming.

The president is visiting a New Hampshire Democratic coordinated campaign office.

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #8 – Biden speaks

President Biden walked into the room at 5:20, along with a local organizer, who introduced him at about 5:25.

Biden picked up a handheld mic and walked around the room as he spoke. The other speakers had spoken from a podium at the front of the room.

Biden stopped speaking at 5:48. Pool was ushered out at 5:49, as former Gov. Lynch was giving Biden what looked to be a sweatshirt and hat.

It was difficult to hear the president at times.

Quotes: (please check against transcript)

"I'm not one that is prone to hyperbole, but we have a group running the MAGA republicans who have … no regard for the Constitution"

"Our democracy is at stake. Think about it. Think about what would happen if Donald Trump wins this election"

"So folks, the first point I want to make to you is we must, we must, we must win"

"I've gotten to know every major world leader personally over the years"

"Not a joke: every one of these international leaders [pulled me aside and said], 'you gotta win, you gotta win. My democracy is at stake.'"

"He is a genuine threat to our democracy, and that is not hyperbole"

"These MAGA Republicans mean what they say"

"Every 5 or 6 generations we reach an inflection point in American history where the decisions we make in a short span of time" … "determine what this country looks like for the next 5 or 6 decades."

"This guy is a danger to the Republic"

"The biggest mistake the Democratic Party has made, and I'm part of it, is we spent all our time on the Senate, House, and presidency," he then adds that Republicans focused on state races and Dems missed that.

He told a story about a conversation with his son Beau just before he died: "promise me you won't quit," he remembers Beau telling him.

"I ran because Beau knows, and you know in your hearts, if Trump wins, the nation changes"

At a couple points, Biden stood holding the mic with one hand and with his other hand, or sometimes elbow, on a column in the center of the room.

The president's stop is at the New Hampshire Democratic Party's headquarters.

It's a small room its white walls and blue carpeting. There are about 30 people seated at plastic folding tables. There are columns wrapped with red, white, and blue streamers. There are "Vote Blue" and "Thank you Joe" handmade posters on the wall, as well as local Dem and Harris Walz campaign signs. There's a large, hand drawn map of New Hampshire on the wall.

From the WH:

On behalf of the Harris-Walz Campaign:

The President is dropping by the New Hampshire Democratic Party's headquarters to support the New Hampshire Democratic coordinated campaign.

Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH)
Senator Maggie Hassan (NH)
Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02)
Former Governor John Lynch (NH) and his spouse, Dr. Susan Lynch

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #9 – rolling

The motorcade is rolling for the airport at 5:57. Pool didn't see Biden get in the Beast.

Outside the building pool could hear chants from protesters. Fragments were audible:

"Come out Harris, you can't hide, we charge you with genocide"

"From the river to the sea"

Here's an otter of the event:

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #10 – Manchester airport

The motorcade stopped at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport at 6:28 and President Biden stepped out of the Beast and boarded AF1 at 6:29, wearing a baseball hat.

It's 6:31, and we will be wheels up shortly for JBA.

Leaving the NH Dem headquarters, the motorcade passed a pickup truck parked outside with a large Trump sign in the back.

The drive back to the airport was otherwise uneventful.

From the White House:

Traveling with the President aboard Air Force One en route to Joint Base Andrews:

Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Press Secretary
Neera Tanden, Assistant to the President & Domestic Policy Advisor
Ryan Montoya, Assistant to the President & Director of Scheduling & Advance
Ashley Williams, Deputy Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Strategic Outreach
John McCarthy, Deputy Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor for Political Engagement
Herbie Ziskend, Deputy Assistant to the President & Principal Deputy Director of Communications
Drew Wallace, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs & Senate Liaison
Terry Wolff, Special Assistant to the President & NSC Senior Director for the Middle East & North Africa
Aviva Feuerstein, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Presidential Speechwriter
Catherine Oakar, Special Assistant to the President for Community Public Health & Disparities
Jacob Spreyer, Special Assistant to the President & Personal Aide to the President

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #11 – JBA

AF1 was wheels up from Manchester at 6:42 and landed at JBA at 7:36.

The president deplaned, saluted, and walked to M1 at 7:43. It lifted off at 7:49.

Handing it back to Cameron Joseph now.

Good night!

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #12 – travelers

One more!

From the White House:

Greeting the President on arrival to Joint Base Andrews:

Colonel Angela Ochoa, 89th Air Wing, Joint Base Andrews

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to the South Lawn:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Karine Jean-Pierre, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Press Secretary
Herbie Ziskend, Deputy Assistant to the President & Principal Deputy Director of Communications
Jacob Spreyer, Special Assistant to the President & Personal Aide to the President

October 22, 2024

Travel Pool Report #13 – one last quote

One more quote from the campaign stop, thanks to fellow pooler Aurelia End. Check against transcript.

Good night!

"This is a guy who also wants to replace every civil servant, every single one; thinks he has a right under the Supreme Court ruling on immunity to be able if need be, if it was the case, to actually eliminate – physically eliminate, shoot, kill – someone who is, he believes would be a threat to him. I mean, so, I know this sounds bizarre. It sounds like, I said this five years ago – 'you'd lock me up.' We gotta lock him up. (Crowd claps and a few seconds later): politically lock him up."

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Pool Reports of October 22, 2024 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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