Photo of Donald Trump

Press Release - President Trump’s First Week Of Action

January 27, 2017

•      15: Presidential Actions to begin fulfilling his promises to Make America Great Again.

•      11: Diplomatic conversations with foreign leaders to promote an America First foreign policy.

•      4: Members of President Trump's cabinet sworn into office.

•      3: Stakeholder meetings to get input from both workers and business leaders on jumpstarting job creation.

•      3: Engagements with members of Congress to discuss his agenda.

•      3: Visits to federal agencies committed to protecting our homeland and ensuring our national security.

•      1: Official White House visit by a foreign head of state.

•      1: Reception to honor law enforcement and first responders.

•      1: Proclamation supporting National School Choice week.

•      The President's team followed through on his commitment to action, by:

o      collaborating with 28 federal agencies and departments on a near daily basis.

o      discussing legislative items with at least 75 House members or their staffs and 35 Senators or their staffs.

o      making initial contact with governors in each state and territory, and having in-depth discussions with 32 governors or their staff.

o      discussing issues with 22 state attorneys general.

o      beginning outreach to our nation's largest municipalities and tribes.

President Trump Used The Power Of His Office To Follow Through On His Promises To The American People

WITHIN HOURS OF HIS INAUGURATION: President Trump moved to protect Americans from ObamaCare, government regulations, and future bailouts.

•      On the evening of his Inauguration, President Trump sought relief for Americans from the cost burdens of ObamaCare.

•      Through a memorandum issued by the Chief of Staff, all new regulations were frozen to protect job creators from the crush of new government rules on their businesses.

•      President Trump put a stop to a reckless action that would have reduced funding for the Federal Housing Authority after it was bailed out by the taxpayers as recently as 2013.

MONDAY: President Trump fulfilled his promise to immediately address trade and jobs by withdrawing from the harmful Trans-Pacific Partnership, put in place a hiring freeze, and protected taxpayer money from funding abortions overseas.

•      President Trump protected American workers by withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

•      To stem the tide of an ever growing government, President Trump put in place a hiring freeze on federal civilian employees.

•      After years of taxpayer money being spent to promote abortions abroad, President Trump reinstated the "Mexico City Policy" to ban such usage.

TUESDAY: President Trump promoted job creation by jumpstarting the construction of two new energy pipelines, requiring the use of American-made materials and equipment in building those pipelines, and reduced the regulatory burden on America's manufacturing and construction industry.

•      President Trump began the process to finish construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline after a series of delays.

•      After years of delays, President Trump signed a presidential memorandum to revive the Keystone XL pipeline.

•      To make sure Americans benefit from infrastructure projects, the President signed an executive memorandum requiring all new construction and repair of pipelines to use American materials and equipment.

•      President Trump ordered the Commerce Department to streamline and reduce regulations affecting U.S. manufacturing to help bring factories back to America.

•      To jumpstart much needed infrastructure projects, President Trump signed an executive order to speed up the environmental impact review of projects.

WEDNESDAY: President Trump followed through on his pledge to protect America's borders and end the lack of compliance with immigration laws.

•      Following through on his commitment to protecting the American people, President Trump signed an executive order to improve border security, particularly through the construction of a physical barrier on the southern border.

•      President Trump signed an executive order to ensure that immigration laws are enforced throughout the United States, including halting federal funding for sanctuary cities.

FRIDAY: President Trump followed through on his top priority to keep America safe.

•      President Trump signed an executive order protecting the United States from foreign nationals entering from countries compromised by terrorism, and ensuring a more rigorous vetting process.

•      President Trump issued a presidential memorandum to direct the Secretary of Defense to review our readiness and create plans to rebuild the U.S. military.

President Trump Has Held or Scheduled 11 Conversations With Foreign Leaders To Promote American Interests Around The Globe

•      On Saturday, President Trump spoke with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico and discussed respect for the sovereignty of both nations.

•      On Saturday, President Trump also spoke with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the importance of strong U.S.-Canada ties.

•      On Sunday, President Trump spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to discuss opportunities to strengthen relations.

•      On Monday, President Trump spoke with President Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi of Egypt, expressing his commitment for a new push in bilateral relations.

•      On Tuesday, President Trump spoke with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India to strengthen relations and cooperation.

•      Today, President Trump spoke again with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico to discuss bilateral relations, border security and trade.

•      Tomorrow, President Trump is scheduled to speak Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of with Japan

•      Tomorrow, President Trump is scheduled to speak with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany.

•      Tomorrow, President Trump is scheduled to speak with President Vladimir Putin of Russia.

•      Tomorrow, President Trump is scheduled to speak with President François Hollande of France.

•      Tomorrow, President Trump is scheduled to speak with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia.

Four Of President Trump's Nominees Were Confirmed By The Senate And Sworn Into Office

•      Last Friday, retired General John Kelly was sworn in as Secretary of Homeland Security.

•      Also last Friday, retired General James Mattis was sworn in as Secretary of Defense.

•      On Monday, former Congressman Mike Pompeo was sworn in as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

•      On Wednesday, former Governor Nikki Haley was sworn in as Ambassador to the United Nations.

Following Through On His Commitment To Job Creation, President Trump Held Stakeholder Meetings With Business And Labor Leaders

•      On Monday, President Trump met with labor leaders to discuss his plans to renegotiate trade deals and put Americans back to work.

•      Later on Monday, President Trump met with manufacturing leaders to discuss how to bring factories and manufacturing jobs back to America.

•      On Tuesday, President Trump met with key industry leaders to discuss how the auto industry can bring back American jobs.

President Trump Held Meetings Or Spoke With Congressional Leaders To Discuss His Agenda

•      On Monday, President Trump hosted Republican and Democrat congressional leaders and chiefs of staff at the White House to discuss the upcoming legislative agenda.

•      On Tuesday, President Trump met with key Senate leaders to discuss his upcoming choice to fill the Supreme Court vacancy.

•      On Thursday, President Trump spoke at the Republican congressional retreat in Philadelphia.

President Trump Spoke At The Headquarters Of The CIA, The Department Of Homeland Security, And The Department Of Defense

•      On Saturday, President Trump spoke at CIA headquarters and told a raucous crowd that he'd have their back as he thanked them for their service to the country.

•      On Wednesday, President Trump visited the Department of Homeland Security to reinforce his strong belief in protecting America's borders.

•      On Wednesday, President Trump visited the Department of Defense to highlight his commitment to rebuild our military.

President Trump Hosted U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May

•      In hosting his first foreign head of state at the White House, President Trump welcomed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa May.

As One Of His First Actions After Inauguration Day, President Trump Thanked American Law Enforcement And First Responders

•      On Sunday, President Trump held a White House Reception to honor and thank law enforcement and first responders who helped make his Inauguration safe and successful.

President Trump Proclaimed National School Choice Week

•      On Thursday, President Trump renewed his commitment to expand school choice for Americans by proclaiming January 22 through January 28, 2017, as National School Choice Week.

The President's Team Is Following Through On His Commitment To Action

President Trump's team has worked to ensure his team is in place at various departments and agencies and working to implement his agenda:

•      The White House Office of Cabinet Affairs made 140 calls to 28 separate federal departments and agencies to collaborate on various issues.

•      Cabinet Affairs personally met with 10 Cabinet nominees.

•      Cabinet Affairs coordinated the swearing in of four cabinet members this week by the Vice President.

President Trump's team has worked to ensure his legislative agenda is well-received in Congress:

•      The White House Office of Legislative Affairs met or spoke with 110 congressional offices or elected representatives in 75 House and 35 Senate offices.

•      Vice President Pence had several in-person meetings this week on Capitol Hill.

President Trump's team began outreach to our nation's states, municipalities, and tribes:

•      The White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs made initial contact with the governor's offices in all of the states and territories.

•      Intergovernmental Affairs held detailed discussions with the governors or their staff in 32 separate states.

•      Intergovernmental Affairs made initial contact with 22 of the 50 state attorneys general.

•      Intergovernmental Affairs has begun outreach to America's largest municipalities, such as Los Angeles County and met with the president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

•      Intergovernmental Affairs made contact with the largest tribes in the country and has begun outreach with many leaders.

Donald J. Trump, Press Release - President Trump’s First Week Of Action Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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