Photo of Donald Trump

Press Release - Top Highlights from the Sunday Shows

January 29, 2017

On The President's Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry

White House Chief Of Staff Reince Priebus On NBC's "Meet The Press": The Trump Administration Will "Apologize For Nothing Here."

PRIEBUS: "I don't think you want a grace period, Chuck, because then people who want to do bad things to Americans would just move up their travel date two days in order to get into the country before the grace period is over. I think it's one of these things that-- and if you ask a lot of the people at the customs and border patrol would just tell you you've got to just rip off the Band-Aid and you have to move forward. It wasn't chaos. The fact of the matter is 325,000 people from foreign countries came into the United States yesterday and 109 people were detained for further questioning. Most of those people were moved out. We've got a couple dozen more that remain, and I would suspect as long as they're not awful people that they will move through before another half a day today and perhaps some of these people should be detained further, and if they're folks that shouldn't be in this country they're going to be detained. So apologize for nothing here."

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer On ABC's "This Week": We Must "Ensure That The People That We're Letting Into Our Country Are Coming Here With Peaceful Purposes And Not To Do Us Harm."

SPICER: "Let's look at the facts of what happened. There's 325,000 people from foreign countries that traveled into the United States yesterday. There were 109 people that this (Executive Order) actually addressed, that had come in post-entry from seven countries that we've identified. In fact, actually, the Obama Administration had previously identified (those seven countries) needed further travel restrictions. We've gone in, as Terry pointed out, it's a 90-day ban to ensure that we have further vetting restrictions so that we know who is coming to this country. The safety of the American citizens, the safety of our country has got to be paramount. And that's what the President did yesterday, is to ensure that the people that we're letting into our country are coming here with peaceful purposes and not to do us harm. So this really comes down to 109 people who are all being processed through the system to make sure that when they've gone out of the country, gone somewhere that is one of those seven countries and coming back, that they've done so and not tried to go there and do anything that would cause our nation harm."

On The President Keeping His Promises

Conway On Fox's "Fox News Sunday": "There's A Fundamental Fairness That Donald Trump Ran, Won On And Will Execute" On.

CONWAY: "There's a fundamental fairness that Donald Trump ran, won on and will execute as President of the United States. You saw it already this week. He's meeting with manufacturing CEOs, labor, he's doing the Dakota and Keystone pipelines. And he's telling Mexico that this trade imbalance stops. This idea that we're always worried about the other country, we're always worried about its citizens. This President says 'America First.'"

Spicer On ABC's "This Week": President Trump Is Successfully Doing What He Promised The American People He Would Do.

SPICER: "Look, this is nothing new. President Trump talked about this throughout the campaign and the transition and he's doing exactly what he told the American people he was going to do. It's interesting, the criticism that's coming is from someone who has gotten into office, hit the ground running, had a flurry of activity to do exactly what he said he was going to do. Whether it was bringing back jobs, fighting for American taxpayers and cutting the cost and waste out of government programs, or doing what he said overseas in protecting this nation but he is not going to apologize for putting the safety of this country first and foremost."

On The Hostile Treatment Of The President's Nominees By Senate Democrats

Counselor To The President Kellyanne Conway On Fox's "Fox News Sunday": Democrats Have Been Trying "To Humiliate And Embarrass Our Cabinet Nominees."

CONWAY: "Here's the thing about the Supreme Court battle we're about to face. If past is prologue, the way the Democrats in the Senate have treated our cabinet nominees does not bode well for filling that vacancy left by Antonin Scalia. It's just been terrible the way they try to humiliate and embarrass our cabinet nominees. We still don't have a Secretary of Commerce, a Secretary of Treasury. What are we doing over there?"

On The Hostile Treatment Of This President By The Media

Counselor To The President Kellyanne Conway On Fox's "Fox News Sunday": The Media Is "An Anti-Trump Screed."

CONWAY: "You can't put a piece of tissue paper between the way Donald Trump was covered as the Republican candidate, the Republican nominee, the President-Elect, and the President. It's all the same. It's an anti-Trump screed."

Donald J. Trump, Press Release - Top Highlights from the Sunday Shows Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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