Photo of Donald Trump

Press Release - What They Are Saying: Praise for President Donald J. Trump's Address to the UN General Assembly

September 19, 2017

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu: "In over 30 years in my experience with the UN, I never heard a bolder or more courageous speech. President Trump spoke the truth about the great dangers facing our world and issued a powerful call to confront them in order to ensure the future of humanity."

Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin: "President Trump forcefully outlined a path forward for sovereign nations across the globe to unite with a purpose and address the threats posed by rogue regimes and reckless leaders. The President made it clear that the United States will not allow oppressive rulers in Iran or North Korea to hold the world hostage while they perfect their weapons of mass destruction, and that we expect our allies at the U.N. to join our coalition to promote security, prosperity and peace."

Former U.S. Ambassador to The United Nations John Bolton: "This was the best speech of the Trump presidency in my view. I think he was as clear and direct as it's possible to be...I think the centerpiece of the speech was the criticism of the behavior of North Korea and Iran. And I think it's safe to say in the entire history of the United Nations, there has never been a more straightforward criticism of the behavior, the unacceptable behavior of other member states."

Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matt Brooks: "Today's speech at the UN was an historic moment for President Trump and the American people. The President's speech set out a clear, unambiguous vision that America will always work in the best interests of its citizens and will always work with responsible countries around the globe to keep the world safe and secure. There is no greater example of this vision than President Trump's commitments, reemphasized today, to confront the reckless nuclear aspirations of Iran and North Korea, to oppose the brutal regime of Syria, and to combat radical Islamic terrorism at home and abroad. The President was strong in his condemnation of Iran as a corrupt dictatorship, economically depleted, a destabilizing force in the Middle East, and a chief exporter of violence and terror. And, as he has many times before, the President called the Iran nuclear deal a terribly flawed and ineffective agreement. Today's speech was a strong affirmation of American leadership on the world stage, something that has been missing during the last eight years. The RJC applauds President Trump."

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC): "I was very impressed with President Trump's strong words against North Korea's nuclear program in his address before the United Nations General Assembly. President Trump is right to rally the world to deal with a nuclear-armed North Korea. He's also right to focus on getting a better deal with Iran regarding their nuclear program, and to push the U.N. to reform the way it does business."

Senator David Perdue (R-GA): "American leadership is needed now, more than ever. The world is more dangerous than any time in my lifetime, and I am glad to see President Trump and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley aggressively taking on these challenges at the United Nations to get better results. President Trump was very clear that improving accountability and effectiveness at the United Nations is a top priority. For too long, the UN's budget process has lacked transparency, and the organization has relied too heavily on U.S. contributions. President Trump sent the message that all sovereign nations must come together in a united effort to counter North Korea's reckless behavior and the growing threats from Iran's continued support of terrorist groups and human rights abuses."

Washington Examiner Contributor Tom Rogan: "On Tuesday, addressing the United Nations for the first time as president, President Trump delivered a powerful message… Ultimately, this was a very fine speech; confident and eloquent, but measured and serious. In short, it was a message of American realism, fine-tuned for an era as Trump put it, 'of both immense promise and great peril.'"

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: "Today, President Trump delivered a speech of phenomenal moral clarity on foreign policy, one that was unequivocal in its denunciation of evil and those who prey on the weak. Trump, in the strongest terms, denounced the regimes of North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela… Rarely have we seen a leader speak with such strength about good and evil, and the President deserves our immense thanks. As expressed in Trump's own words: 'If the righteous many don't confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.' Today, he proved himself a leader among the former."

Congressman Ron DeSantis (R-FL): "I think it's a speech that will resonate with Middle America, because I think that you go there, lot of times people will just say platitudes, and it's almost as if you lost 30, 40 minutes and you could have been doing something else. Well here, he was speaking substantively, he was speaking directly, and I think he signaled really significant changes in American foreign policy."


Senator Roger Wicker (R-MI): "Powerful speech by @realDonaldTrump today at the #UNGA. America's foreign policy was made crystal clear to friend & foe alike."

Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA): "At @UN General Assembly, @POTUS asserted the need for strong American leadership, unity w/ allies as we confront challenges to sovereignty."

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI): "Great message from @POTUS at the UN. American leadership is needed now more than ever. We must stand by our allies and confront our enemies."

Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ): "I commend the president for his remarks. On world's stage, Trump made clear he is breaking from misguided tradition of enabling #NOKO."

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL): "I applaud #POTUS calling out #Maduro 4 egregious #humanrights abuses at #UNGA"

Congressman Scott DesJarlais (R-TN): "Heartened to see @POTUS reasserting American values & strength. No more apologizing for our country's greatness & leading role in the world"

Congressman Todd Rokita (R-IN): "Trump's speech to the #UNGA showed a strong, & clear stance in regards to North Korea, Iran & the threats they pose to the U.S. & the world."

Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE): "President Trump's speech to the UN: clear, strong, principled."

Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC): "President Trump's speech was a strong defense of nationalism over globalism. Projected strength instead of apologizing."

Congressman Peter King (R-NY): "Masterful speech by @POTUS Trump at UN. Proud of American values. No apologies. No retreat."

Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-AL): "Good to hear @POTUS outline a clear vision for the role of the United States in the world during his #UNGA speech this morning."

Congressman Sean Duffy (R-WI): "Great to hear @POTUS @realDonaldTrump taking a clear-eyed stand against communism during this @UN speech."

Former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA): "President Trump gave a strong and needed challenge to UN members to live up to its charter and to confront global challenges."

Donald J. Trump, Press Release - What They Are Saying: Praise for President Donald J. Trump's Address to the UN General Assembly Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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