Photo of Donald Trump

Press Release - What They Are Saying: Support For President Donald J. Trump's Summit With North Korea

June 12, 2018

Members of Congress

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY): "Today I congratulate the President on this major step and share his hope that it will begin a process that leads to an historic peace."

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI): "For decades, American policy toward North Korea has failed, and I commend @POTUS for not accepting the status quo. As negotiations now advance, there is only one acceptable final outcome: complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization."

Sen. David Perdue (R-GA): "This critical summit is happening because of President Trump's leadership and unwavering resolve to make the world a safer place. We want to move toward the objectives President Trump has laid out: total denuclearization, as well as a potential peace treaty to end the Korean War, with reunification talks down the road."

Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH): "I have long called for a direct dialogue between the U.S. & #NorthKorea, and I have supported this summit with the goal of achieving a peaceful solution that includes North Korea giving up its nuclear weapons."

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): "Congratulations to President Trump bringing this about. This an historic opportunity to end the Korean War, get North Korea to give up their weapons and missiles that threaten us and the world in return for security guarantees and prosperity."

Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD): "Good news coming from Singapore. @POTUS has made early strides in making our world a safer place. A lot of work to do yet."

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL): "The U.S./North Korea summit was a historic event and a good first step toward peace."

Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL): "... I have confidence in @POTUS, @SecPompeo, and their team to continue pushing for a strong agreement."

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ): "I am encouraged by the news of a successful #SingaporeSummit. @POTUS' historic meeting moves us closer to the possibility of a denuclearized Korean Peninsula and an overall more peaceful world."

Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN): "We finally have a commander in chief who, rather than lead from behind, has embraced challenges and inspired a new era of American leadership and diplomacy. President Trump's peace through strength strategy has re-asserted America back to the front of the world stage."

Rep. Ralph Abraham (R-LA): "Once again, President Trump has shown his great leadership skills on a world stage by obtaining North Korea's commitment to denuclearize. The global community can breathe easier this morning."

Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD): "I am encouraged by positive reports coming from the Singapore Summit. President Trump has made more progress in the last year and a half than previous presidents made over several decades."

Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO): "I'm encouraged with the positive news coming out of today's summit between the U.S. and North Korea. These talks are an important step towards lasting peace in the region."

Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE): "Our President's first meeting was successful and this effort has confounded presidents before him."

Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH): "I applaud President Trump and those on his team working tirelessly to address the real and growing North Korean nuclear threat. The strategy used by previous administrations, both Republican and Democratic, clearly did not work, and it was time for a new approach."

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH): "Congratulations to @POTUS on the historic summit with North Korea! This is an important step towards greater peace and prosperity for the whole world."

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA): "President Donald J. Trump's summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is a momentous, historic undertaking to be celebrated.... I'm particularly moved, relieved and grateful for the President's ability to get North Korea's commitment for us to recover the remains of US Prisoners of War and our Troops Missing in Action from the Korean War."

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): "Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula will make America and the world more secure.... I applaud @realDonaldTrump's efforts."

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN): "Last night, @realDonaldTrump exemplified what it means to be a leader, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to meet with a North Korean head of state."

Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN): "I'm proud President Trump made strides towards peace with North Korea in his meeting with Kim Jong-Un. Pursuing a strategy to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula while taking concrete steps towards de-escalation should be a significant step towards peace and global security."

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX): "Today's summit in Singapore is tangible evidence that President Trump is achieving unprecedented progress with his peace-seeking efforts. Under President Trump's leadership, this year the world witnessed Kim Jong Un cross the DMZ and embrace President Moon Jae In – an act that would have been inconceivable mere months ago."

Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX): "Congratulations to @realDonaldTrump on his meeting with Kim Jong Un and moving forward in negotiations on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. Doing what no other POTUS has done, Trump has made history with this first meeting."

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA): "I'm encouraged by the goals @POTUS set to denuclearize North Korea and protect America."

Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI): "After @POTUS @realDonaldTrump met with Kim, we are closer (but of course need to solidify process) to denuclearization of the Korean peninsula."


Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R): "I commend @POTUS for taking strides to bring about peace & stability on the Korean Peninsula & congratulate him for a successful meeting in Singapore. @realDonaldTrump is right in saying only the most courageous can make peace. This truly is a historic moment for the world."

Guam Governor Eddie Calvo (R): "This agreement paves the way for peace between the U.S. and North Korea and moves us toward the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. The Territory of Guam is thankful to our President and his stance on peace through strength policy which elevated peace within the Asia Pacific region — this is something we truly are grateful for."

Kansas Governor Jeff Colyer (R): "Thanks to the hard work of @POTUS and @SecPompeo we are one step closer to achieving peace on the Korean Peninsula, which had seemed impossible to accomplish a little over a year ago. This is encouraging news for the Korean people and the world at large"

Maine Governor Paul LePage (R): "The #singaporesummit agreement has great potential to accomplish the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Businessmen do not fear tough negotiations. I'm especially thankful of the commitment to bring home Korean War POW/MIA remains."

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant (R): "President @realDonaldTrump is winning with North Korea. He will work to make the world safe again."

Northern Mariana Islands Governor Ralph Torres (R): "Yesterday was an historic day for the United States and North Korea as President Trump has made more advancements towards securing a complete denuclearization of North Korea. I stand proudly by President Trump's side in his efforts to establish a safer Pacific region."

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster (R): "The transformative leadership of President @realDonaldTrump has the Korean peninsula on the precipice of peace."

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice (R): "Many congrats to my dear friend President @realDonaldTrump. When will the world realize what a phenomenal job you have done for America and the entire world?"

Foreign Officials and International Organizations

President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in: "The June 12 Sentosa Agreement will be recorded as a historic event that has helped break down the last remaining Cold War legacy on earth. It is a great victory achieved by both the United States and the two Koreas, and a huge step forward for people across the world who long for peace. Once again, I would like to pay my respect to President Trump who achieved a feat that no one else has ever delivered."

Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong: "Congratulations on the successful conclusion of an historic summit meeting between the United States and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The joint statement that you signed today with Chairman Kim Jong Un is a dramatic step forward. It is a crucial first move in the long journey towards lasting peace and stability on a denuclearized Korean Peninsula."

United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson: "We welcome that President Trump and Kim Jong Un have held a constructive summit. This is an important step towards the stability of a region vital to global economic growth and home to thousands of British Nationals and important UK interests."

International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano: "I welcome today's Joint Statement of President Trump of the United States and Chairman Kim of the DPRK at the Singapore Summit which includes the DPRK's commitment towards complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: "NATO welcomes the historic summit between the President of the United States and the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. NATO strongly supports all efforts leading towards the eventual denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula."

Spokesman for the United Nations Secretary-General, Stéphane Dujarric: "The Secretary-General welcomes the holding of the Summit between the leaders of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the United States as an important milestone in the advancement of sustainable peace and the complete and verifiable denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula."

Advocacy Organizations, Media Commentary, and Policy Experts

Daily Beast Contributor Gordon Chang: "President Trump has created a momentum.... And that is really the result of skillful diplomacy on the part of the President."

Fox News' Sean Hannity: "This could be a transformative moment for the entire presidency."

Fox News' Steve Hilton: "This is the right thing to do in the interest of not just people in America, but across the world."

Fox News' Chris Wallace: "This is a very good and encouraging start."

Fox News National Security Analyst Rebecca Grant: "The joint document...I think the substance is there. North Korea has reaffirmed that they will denuclearize."

Time Columnist and Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer: "Trump has accomplished more on [North Korea] to date than any US President."

Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States National Commander Keith Harman: "We must have hope that this agreement will finally bring peace to the peninsula and help bring closure to thousands of families of missing American servicemen from the Korean War. The VFW salutes President Trump for bringing this issue to the table, and we thank the North Korean leader for agreeing to it. Now the hard work to bring the initiative to fruition begins."

Donald J. Trump, Press Release - What They Are Saying: Support For President Donald J. Trump's Summit With North Korea Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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