Photo of Donald Trump

Press Release - What They Are Saying: Support for President Trump's Nominee for HHS Secretary Alex Azar

November 13, 2017


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY): "Alex brings a wealth of private and public sector knowledge that will prepare him well for this crucial role. The Secretary of HHS oversees some of the nation's most important programs, including Medicare and Medicaid in addition to safeguarding public health at the Centers for Disease Control, advancing cures at The National Institutes of Health, and working through the Food and Drug Administration to get those cures to patients. I look forward to meeting with him soon to discuss his outlook and vision for the department, particularly the opioid epidemic that has hurt so many Kentuckians and so many Americans across the country."

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI): "Alex Azar is an experienced and highly capable leader who knows what it takes to tackle big challenges in health care. The Senate should swiftly confirm him as our next @HHSGov secretary."

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT): "The challenges plaguing the American healthcare system are serious. For too long, hardworking, middle-class families have been forced to bear the brunt of Obamacare's failures in the form of higher premiums and fewer choices. The leader of HHS will be at the tip of the spear, working to not only right the wrongs of this deeply flawed law but also ensure the long-term sustainability of both Medicare and Medicaid. Mr. Azar has the experience, knowledge and fortitude to take on these daunting challenges. I look forward to learning about his plan to restore our faith in our nation's healthcare system and get it back on track doing what it does best – saving lives and improving the health and well-being of all Americans. I hope my colleagues on the Finance Committee will work with me in the advancement of a fair and transparent vetting process for this nominee."

Senator John Barrasso (R-WY): "It's critically important that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is led by an experienced and thoughtful individual. Alex Azar is a proven health care leader who has served at the highest levels of HHS. The Senate needs to quickly move forward with Mr. Azar's confirmation process and let him get to work making health care more affordable for American families."

Senator Roger Wicker (R-MI): "The President has chosen wisely. Mr. Azar has a deep understanding of the country's health-care system and the experience needed to lead this agency. I am hopeful that the Senate will consider his nomination as soon as possible."

Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN): "As a former Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services and private sector executive, Alex Azar has the qualifications and experience to get results. The Senate health committee will promptly schedule a hearing on his nomination."

Senators Greg Walden (R-OR) And Michael Burgess (R-TX): "We commend President Trump for nominating Alex Azar for Secretary of Health and Human Services. He is a veteran of HHS, bringing with him a wealth of institutional knowledge that will be instrumental in delivering patient-centered health care and combating the opioid crisis. We look forward to working with Mr. Azar on these critical issues and many others in the future."

Representative Andy Harris, M.D. (R-MD): "President Trump has selected an excellent, highly-qualified candidate for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services who hails from Maryland's Eastern Shore. Mr. Azar has already served as General Counsel and Deputy Secretary for HHS, and was confirmed by voice vote in the Senate twice. Mr. Azar knows the Department of Health and Human Services inside and out, and will work with Congress as we continue the efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare and lower the cost of healthcare for hardworking Americans."

Representative Larry Bucshon, M.D. (R-IN): "I commend President Trump for his decision to nominate Alex Azar as Secretary of Health and Human Services. His leadership experience in both government and the private sector gives him a unique perspective that will be an asset to the American people as we continue working to address the health challenges facing Americans today, whether it's the opioid crisis that is destroying lives and communities, or ensuring that Americans can access affordable and high-quality health care of their choice. I urge the United States Senate to quickly confirm him."


American Hospital Association President and CEO Rick Pollack: "We welcome the nomination of Alex Azar to be Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). We are confident that his extensive background in business, health care and medicine distinguishes him as a uniquely qualified candidate for the vacancy. The expertise garnered from his career in the private sector and prior public service at HHS as Deputy Secretary will prove to be particularly valuable in addressing the serious challenges facing our nation's health care system today. We look forward to working side-by-side with him to achieve our mission of advancing the health of the patients and communities we are privileged to serve."

Federation of American Hospitals President and CEO, Charles Kahn: "We welcome and support the nomination of Alex Azar for HHS Secretary. His years of experience in government service and the health care sector makes him uniquely qualified to confront the challenges facing patients, families, and caregivers. I have worked with Mr. Azar in the past and think he is the perfect pick for the times. His steady hand of leadership will be critically important as the deliberations over health reform and the many health care quality and cost issues proceed. We encourage the US Senate to confirm Mr. Azar quickly. We look forward to working with him constructively on the future of American health care delivery and financing."

National Association of Manufacturers' President and CEO Jay Timmons: "Alex Azar served on the NAM Board of Directors, and with his background in government and the private sector, including time at HHS and in the manufacturing industry, he will bring a balanced perspective to the top role at HHS. President Donald Trump has made a strong choice with this nomination. Manufacturers are deeply concerned about escalating health care costs and unnecessary compliance and tax burdens resulting from the Affordable Care Act, while expanding and improving coverage. We look forward to the chance to work with Alex, once confirmed, to achieve greater flexibility so that employers can continue to provide benefits employees deserve."

Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser: "SBA List welcomes President Trump's nomination of Alex Azar as Secretary of HHS. For weeks now we have been working with our allies at the White House on filling this important vacancy and we believe Alex will do a great job of implementing the President's pro-life agenda."

Politico Healthcare Editor Adriel Bettelheim: "Azar built a reputation as a pragmatist during stints as HHS deputy secretary and general counsel in the George W. Bush administration."

Doctor Roger Klein: "I applaud President Trump's nomination of Alex Azar to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. As a former Deputy HHS Secretary and attorney with extensive private sector business experience, he brings the necessary skills and expertise to confront the disruption and dislocation the Affordable Care Act has caused. Alex Azar's appointment will add stability to HHS, and help improve healthcare for millions of Americans."

Donald J. Trump, Press Release - What They Are Saying: Support for President Trump's Nominee for HHS Secretary Alex Azar Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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